Contacting the Squid Project Maintainers

We have a number of mailing lists for Squid. If your want help with compiling, running, or configuring Squid, please use the squid-users list.

For installation / upgrade support on binary packaged versions of Squid

Your first point of contact should be your binary package vendor. The list of known binary package maintainers is kept in the Squid wiki.

Non-security Bugs

For reporting of non-security bugs in stable release series the squid bugzilla database should be used.

For Bugs and build issues in Beta and HEAD Releases. Please use the squid-dev mailing list.

Security Sensitive Bugs

For reporting of security sensitive bugs send an email to the squid-bugs mailing list. It's a closed list (though anyone can post) and security related bug reports are treated in confidence until the impact has been established.

General Help and Community Support

The squid-users mailing list is an active community of administrators and other Squid enthusiasts discussing Squid problems and solutions.

If you find email too slow some of the community also hang out in the #squid chatroom on freenode IRC network.

Other Contacts

If you need to send us some private mail, you can write to Please note that this is NOT where you should send support or help requests - the squid-users list exists for those.


Please use the squid-dev mailing list.

Several of the developers also hang out in the #squiddev chatroom on freenode IRC network.





