Who looks after the Squid project?
The Squid project, originally funded by a NSF grant, is now run entirely by volunteers. There are a few key individuals who keep the project running.
Duane Wessels
Duane has been the Squid coordinator since the project inception. He and his company The Measurement Factory currently provide hosting and administrative services to maintain Squid's presence on the internet.
Henrik Nordström
Henrik is the release manager of the Squid-2 releases, and spends a lot of his time fixing various bugs and helping out on squid-users. He makes his living from Squid consulting and other Open Source related activities.
Amos Jeffries
Amos is the release manager of the Squid-3 series, and spends a lot of his time fixing various bugs and helping out on squid-users. He makes his living from web content delivery and software development.
Alex Rousskov
Alex has been contributing since 1997 and is managing many Squid projects. His focus is on smooth project operation and advanced feature development based on a healthy mix of volunteer and commercial activities.
Francesco Chemolli
Kinkie provides resources and man-power to maintain the Squid Wiki repository and integration testing machinery. He also pops in from time to time to fix the odd bug.
Robert Collins
Robert was integral in the initial Squid-3 work and the development of the prototype "client streams" interface. He pops in from time to time to help out with C++ issues.
Guido Serassio
Guido is primarily responsible for the Squid Windows support and functionality.
- About Squid
- Why Squid?
- Squid Developers
- How to Donate
- How to Help Out
- Getting Squid
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