How can I help the Squid Project?
The Squid project is run mostly by volunteers who donate their time and resources to a variety of activities. You've a few options if you'd like to help out.
Participate in Development
The most obvious way! Subscribe to the squid-dev mailing list. We'll gladly help interested parties in coding up their little corner of the Squid web-cache and get it integrated into the mainline branch.
There's a whole lot of bugs in the Squid Bugzilla which could benefit from some love and attention.
Participate in the Community
The Squid Wiki is a repository of frequently asked questions, configuration examples and other documentation which could always do with a little more attention. Create an account and contact the Wiki sitemaster to give you write access.
This website has a case-studies corner containing articles on how Squid is used in real Internet networks. The aim is to hopefully foster more of an understanding of web content delivery technologies in active use. This isn't specifically to push the Squid project - content delivery companies, internet backbones, internet access providers and users alike all benefit from content caching and delivery technology.
Be a tester
Testing code is just as important as writing it. A lot of our problem reports stem from users who only upgrade to "release" versions (which, if you think about it, is perfectly understandable.) What would be beneficial is more users willing to run test code and provide feedback on its performance and bugginess. We could then catch more of the problems before code is officially released as stable.
Just remember - "stable" code is what we think is stable, and if no-one tells us otherwise...
Support a Developer
If you would like to add a new Squid feature or fix a bug, then please consider sponsoring a developer to do the work. We have a long list of support services many of which also provide development services.
For information about equipment and monetary donations, please visit the Donate to the Squid Project page.
For information about getting help and support, please see Support Services
- About Squid
- Why Squid?
- Squid Developers
- How to Donate
- How to Help Out
- Getting Squid
- Squid Source Packages
- Squid Deployment Case-Studies
- Squid Software Foundation
- Quick Setup
- Configuration:
- FAQ and Wiki
- Guide Books:
- Non-English
- More...
- Security Advisories
- Bugzilla Database
- Mailing lists
- Contacting us
- Commercial services
- Project Sponsors
- Squid-based products