Squid Board Meeting #18,
2016-02-29 05:02 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. Meeting opened
    1. Meeting started by Amos at 06:15:14 UTC.

  2. People present.
    1. Alex Rousskov
    2. Amos Jeffries
    3. Francesco Chemolli
    4. Eliezer Croitoru

  3. Selection of meeting officials
    1. Chair: Francesco, minutes preparation: Amos, proofreading: Alex

  4. Agenda Bashing
    1. agenda accepted with no changes

  5. Last meeting minutes approval
    1. ACTION: Amos publish minutes from meeting #17.

  6. Review of action points from last meeting
    1. Amos to publish meeting notes #16 - done
    2. Amos to update AboutSquid page with proposed text by Alex - done
    3. Alex to submit initial draft on the functionality testing project for Board review - done
    4. sysadmin to make sure that posts via Nabble gets accepted on mailing list, enabling discussion to flow - partially done (Nabble nag screen setup)
    5. all other action items not yet done
    6. AGREED: Henrik to draft and circulate new sysadmin announcement for board@ review - dropped
    7. AGREED: Henrik to end public announcement about new sysadmin staff - dropped
    8. ACTION: Francesco to investigate extending the number of content-serving nodes for main site.

  7. Directorships
    1. AGREED: Re-elect Francesco for another three-year term. 2 votes yes, 1 director absent
    2. AGREED: Begin process for seeking and electing a new board member.
    3. ACTION: Francesco to drive the process for seeking and electing a new board member, starting with the announcement.

  8. Support Points - unblocking progress
    1. ACTION: Francesco to send Support Points public announcement.
    2. ACTION: Amos to provide Francesco with service listing contacts.

  9. Building a QA Team
    1. ACTION: Alex to polish the proposed duties+powers of QA and send draft Lead position announcement to board@ for final review.
    2. further discussion postponed to email.

  10. Assertion handling options
    1. Delegated to squid-dev@ discussion. No decisions relevant to Foundation identified.

  11. Next meeting scheduling
    1. AGREED: Next meeting 2016-04-14 14:00 UTC with 2016-04-17 14:00 UTC as backup.

  12. Open Floor:
    1. general discussion.

  13. Meeting closed
    1. Meeting ended at 09:33:14 UTC.

Action items

  1. Alex
    1. Alex to polish the proposed duties+powers of QA and send draft Lead position announcement to board@ for final review.
  2. Amos
    1. Amos publish minutes from meeting #17.
    2. Amos to provide Francesco with service listing contacts.
  3. Francesco
    1. Francesco to investigate extending the number of content-serving nodes for main site.
    2. Francesco to drive the process for seeking and electing a new board member, starting with the announcement.
    3. Francesco to send Support Points public announcement.






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