The Squid Software Foundation

The Foundation was incorporated as a Colorado, USA non-profit in 2011 and has a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Squid Software Foundation exists to support Squid developer and user communities by providing community governance and representation; logistical and administrative assistance; infrastructure resources; as well as copyright ownership and licensing authority. Squid software is developed by volunteers and is offered to everybody under a well-known GNU General Public License (GPL), which encourages free software sharing and reuse. We do not charge in any manner for our software, and anybody can download, use, and modify Squid.

The Foundation primary purpose is facilitation of Squid Project activities. The Foundation itself does not write code or help users, but it will provide the infrastructure and support framework for Squid developers and users.

Sponsorship Program

Squid Sponsorship Program is the official avenue for substantial, non-directed monetary contributions to the Foundation of more than $1000.

Contributions under $1000 can please use the Donation program.

Non-monetary contributions are also welcome by request.

Squid Donation Program

This fundraising program is designed for donations at levels that do not qualify for the Squid Sponsorship Program participation. Donations can be submitted via the Donations page, without coordination with Squid Software Foundation representatives. A list of donors may be published on Squid web site.

Board of Directors

As at 01 January 2012

Directorship is an unpaid position. Directors are subject to a Conflict of Interest Policy

Contact Information


The Squid Software Foundation
10343 Federal Blvd.,
Unit J-150,
Westminster, CO 80260.
United States

Documents Archive

A public copy of the Foundation documents can be found at




