Go to the documentation of this file.
85 static void ReadClient(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data);
86 static void ReadServer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data);
87 static void WriteClientDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data);
88 static void WriteServerDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data);
100 return (server.conn != nullptr && server.conn->getPeer() ? server.conn->getPeer()->host : request->url.host());
115 if (http.valid() && http->getConn() && http->getConn()->serverBump() && http->getConn()->serverBump()->at(XactionStep::tlsBump2, XactionStep::tlsBump3))
134 Connection() : len (0), buf ((char *)xmalloc(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF)), size_ptr(nullptr), delayedLoops(0),
142 void initConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &aConn, Method method, const char *name, TunnelStateData *tunnelState);
252 void advanceDestination(const char *stepDescription, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const StepStart &startStep);
275 bool keepGoingAfterRead(size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, Connection &from, Connection &to);
428 client.initConnection(clientRequest->getConn()->clientConnection, tunnelClientClosed, "tunnelClientClosed", this);
467 if (request->hier.peer_reply_status != Http::scNone && !Http::IsReforwardableStatus(request->hier.peer_reply_status))
500 saveError(new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scInternalServerError, request.getRaw(), al));
574 TunnelStateData::ReadServer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &c, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data)
619 TunnelStateData::ReadClient(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data)
653 TunnelStateData::keepGoingAfterRead(size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, Connection &from, Connection &to)
659 * from.conn->close() / to.conn->close() done here trigger close callbacks which may free TunnelStateData
706 TunnelStateData::WriteServerDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data)
759 TunnelStateData::WriteClientDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data)
782 TunnelStateData::Connection::write(const char *b, int size, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback, FREE * free_func)
791 TunnelStateData::Connection::initConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &aConn, Method method, const char *name, TunnelStateData *tunnelState)
861 TunnelStateData::closePendingConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *reason)
936 size_t copyBytes = preReadClientData.length() > SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF ? SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF : preReadClientData.length();
950 size_t copyBytes = preReadServerData.length() > SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF ? SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF : preReadServerData.length();
983 debugs(26, DBG_DATA, "Tunnel server PUSH Payload: \n" << Raw("", tunnelState->server.buf, tunnelState->server.len) << "\n----------");
984 tunnelState->copy(tunnelState->server.len, tunnelState->server, tunnelState->client, TunnelStateData::WriteClientDone);
987 if (tunnelState->http.valid() && tunnelState->http->getConn() && !tunnelState->http->getConn()->inBuf.isEmpty()) {
1003 tunnelConnectedWriteDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int, void *data)
1042 closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "conn was closed while waiting for tunnelEstablishmentDone");
1138 TunnelStateData::connectDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *origin, const bool reused)
1247 const auto callback = asyncCallback(5, 4, TunnelStateData::noteSecurityPeerConnectorAnswer, this);
1255 TunnelStateData::advanceDestination(const char *stepDescription, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const StepStart &startStep)
1267 saveError(new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scInternalServerError, request.getRaw(), al));
1285 closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "conn was closed while waiting for noteSecurityPeerConnectorAnswer");
1309 const auto tunneler = new Http::Tunneler(conn, request, callback, Config.Timeout.lifetime, al);
1357 return sendError(savedError, "path selection found no paths (with an impossible early error)");
1359 return sendError(new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scInternalServerError, request.getRaw(), al),
1383 const auto finalError = new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scBadGateway, request.getRaw(), al);
1540 switchToTunnel(HttpRequest *request, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &clientConn, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &srvConn, const SBuf &preReadServerData)
void noteConnection(HappyConnOpenerAnswer &)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1111
static DelayId DelayClient(ClientHttpRequest *, HttpReply *reply=nullptr)
Definition: DelayId.cc:68
AsyncCall::Pointer comm_add_close_handler(int fd, CLCB *handler, void *data)
Definition: comm.cc:952
bool tunneled
whether we spliced the connections instead of negotiating encryption
Definition: EncryptorAnswer.h:33
void updateAttempts(int)
sets n_tries to the given value (while keeping ALE in sync)
Definition: tunnel.cc:543
Definition: FilledChecklist.h:33
time_t startTime
object creation time, before any peer selection/connection attempts
Definition: tunnel.cc:189
void notePeerReadyToShovel(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
called when negotiations with the peer have been successfully completed
Definition: tunnel.cc:1067
void clientClosed()
handles client-to-Squid connection closure; may destroy us
Definition: tunnel.cc:330
Interface for those who need a list of peers to forward a request to.
Definition: PeerSelectState.h:32
void connectDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *origin, const bool reused)
Start using an established connection.
Definition: tunnel.cc:1138
struct SquidConfig::@98 accessList
bool destinationsFinalized
whether all of the available candidate paths received from DNS
Definition: ResolvedPeers.h:82
static void WriteClientDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data)
Definition: tunnel.cc:759
Definition: EncryptorAnswer.h:21
void addPath(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
add a candidate path to try after all the existing paths
Definition: ResolvedPeers.cc:48
Definition: HttpTunnelerAnswer.h:29
TunnelStateData & operator=(const TunnelStateData &)
static void tunnelConnectedWriteDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int, void *data)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1003
struct StatCounters::@112::@122 all
void error(char *format,...)
bool committedToServer
whether the decision to tunnel to a particular destination was final
Definition: tunnel.cc:194
void saveError(ErrorState *finalError)
remembers an error to be used if there will be no more connection attempts
Definition: tunnel.cc:1404
void startSelectingDestinations(HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntry::Pointer &ale, StoreEntry *entry)
Definition: peer_select.cc:330
Definition: CommCalls.h:260
void closePendingConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *reason)
Definition: tunnel.cc:861
void secureConnectionToPeer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
encrypts an established TCP connection to peer
Definition: tunnel.cc:1245
int bytesWanted(int lower=0, int upper=INT_MAX) const
Definition: tunnel.cc:511
void updateLoggingTags(const LogTags_ot code)
update the code in the transaction processing tags
Definition: client_side_request.h:91
bool clientExpectsConnectResponse() const
Whether the client sent a CONNECT request to us.
Definition: tunnel.cc:108
void readClient(char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno)
Definition: tunnel.cc:628
struct StatCounters::@112 server
struct ClientHttpRequest::Out out
void noteDestination(Comm::ConnectionPointer conn) override
called when a new unique destination has been found
Definition: tunnel.cc:1317
@ tlsBump3
AccessLogEntry::Pointer al
info for the future access.log, and external ACL
Definition: FilledChecklist.h:124
void connectToPeer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
continue to set up connection to a peer, going async for SSL peers
Definition: tunnel.cc:1231
void finishWritingAndDelete(Connection &)
Definition: tunnel.cc:341
Definition: HttpTunneler.h:32
struct StatCounters::@111 client_http
void syncAle(HttpRequest *adaptedRequest, const char *logUri) const override
assigns uninitialized adapted_request and url ALE components
Definition: FilledChecklist.cc:110
Definition: FwdState.h:57
size_t headers_sz
Response header bytes written to the client connection.
Definition: client_side_request.h:155
static void Reset()
forgets the current context, setting it to nil/unknown
Definition: CodeContext.cc:77
Definition: tunnel.cc:130
void advanceDestination(const char *stepDescription, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const StepStart &startStep)
starts a preparation step for an established connection; retries on failures
Definition: tunnel.cc:1255
void syncHierNote(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &server, const char *origin)
Definition: tunnel.cc:535
ErrorState * savedError
details of the "last tunneling attempt" failure (if it failed)
Definition: tunnel.cc:261
void comm_read(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *buf, int len, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback)
Definition: Read.h:59
Definition: HttpRequest.h:48
static void tunnelStartShoveling(TunnelStateData *tunnelState)
Definition: tunnel.cc:965
void tunnelEstablishmentDone(Http::TunnelerAnswer &answer)
resumes operations after the (possibly failed) HTTP CONNECT exchange
Definition: tunnel.cc:1024
void errorSend(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, ErrorState *err)
Definition: errorpage.cc:792
void writeClientDone(char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno)
Definition: tunnel.cc:811
PeeringActivityTimer peeringTimer
Measures time spent on selecting and communicating with peers.
Definition: tunnel.cc:215
void sendError(ErrorState *finalError, const char *reason)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1415
Definition: client_side_request.h:30
void ResetMarkingsToServer(HttpRequest *request, Comm::Connection &conn)
Definition: FwdState.cc:1569
@ tlsBump2
void write(const char *b, int size, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback, FREE *free_func)
writes 'b' buffer, setting the 'writer' member to 'callback'.
Definition: tunnel.cc:782
void copy(size_t len, Connection &from, Connection &to, IOCB *)
Definition: tunnel.cc:696
bool subscribed
whether noteDestination() and noteDestinationsEnd() calls are allowed
Definition: PeerSelectState.h:46
void switchToTunnel(HttpRequest *request, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &clientConn, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &srvConn, const SBuf &preReadServerData)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1540
void IOCB(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *, size_t size, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data)
Definition: CommCalls.h:34
void commitToServer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1086
#define CallJobHere(debugSection, debugLevel, job, Class, method)
Definition: AsyncJobCalls.h:59
uint8_t delayedLoops
how many times a read on this connection has been postponed.
Definition: tunnel.cc:166
void noteDestinationsEnd(ErrorState *selectionError) override
Definition: tunnel.cc:1344
Definition: HappyConnOpener.h:105
CommCbFunPtrCallT< Dialer > * commCbCall(int debugSection, int debugLevel, const char *callName, const Dialer &dialer)
Definition: CommCalls.h:312
void writeServerDone(char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno)
Definition: tunnel.cc:716
JobWait< HappyConnOpener > transportWait
waits for a transport connection to the peer to be established/opened
Definition: tunnel.cc:205
class AccessLogEntry::CacheDetails cache
static bool EnoughTimeToReForward(const time_t fwdStart)
Definition: FwdState.cc:431
std::ostream & CurrentException(std::ostream &os)
prints active (i.e., thrown but not yet handled) exception
Definition: TextException.cc:88
struct StatCounters::@112::@122 other
JobWait< Security::PeerConnector > encryptionWait
waits for the established transport connection to be secured/encrypted
Definition: tunnel.cc:208
void Write(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *buf, int size, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback, FREE *free_func)
Definition: Write.cc:33
#define asyncCallback(dbgSection, dbgLevel, method, object)
Definition: AsyncCallbacks.h:195
void establishTunnelThruProxy(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1306
uint64_t size
Response header and body bytes written to the client connection.
Definition: client_side_request.h:153
Definition: CommCalls.h:245
Definition: ResolvedPeers.h:33
bool notificationPending
whether HappyConnOpener::noteCandidatesChange() is scheduled to fire
Definition: ResolvedPeers.h:85
Final result (an open connection or an error) sent to the job initiator.
Definition: HappyConnOpener.h:75
A PeerConnector for TLS cache_peers and origin servers. No SslBump capabilities.
Definition: BlindPeerConnector.h:21
void start(const JobPointer &aJob, const AsyncCall::Pointer &aCallback)
starts waiting for the given job to call the given callback
Definition: JobWait.h:69
int debugLevelForError(int const xerrno) const
Definition: tunnel.cc:557
static Comm::ConnectionPointer BorrowPinnedConnection(HttpRequest *, const AccessLogEntryPointer &)
Definition: client_side.cc:3868
void usePinned()
send request on an existing connection dedicated to the requesting client
Definition: tunnel.cc:1471
static void ReadClient(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data)
Definition: tunnel.cc:619
void commSetConnTimeout(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, time_t timeout, AsyncCall::Pointer &callback)
Definition: comm.cc:592
bool at(const BumpStep stp) const
whether we are currently performing the given processing step
Definition: ServerBump.h:47
void prepForPeering(const CachePeer &peer)
get ready to be sent to the given cache_peer, including originserver
Definition: HttpRequest.cc:446
Definition: DelayId.h:21
struct SquidConfig::@84 Timeout
static void WriteServerDone(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag flag, int xerrno, void *data)
Definition: tunnel.cc:706
bool keepGoingAfterRead(size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, Connection &from, Connection &to)
Definition: tunnel.cc:653
void notifyConnOpener()
makes sure connection opener knows that the destinations have changed
Definition: tunnel.cc:1522
void initConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &aConn, Method method, const char *name, TunnelStateData *tunnelState)
initiates Comm::Connection ownership, including closure monitoring
Definition: tunnel.cc:791
SBuf leftovers
peer-generated bytes after a positive answer (or empty)
Definition: HttpTunnelerAnswer.h:42
static HttpReplyPointer MakeConnectionEstablished()
construct and return an HTTP/200 (Connection Established) response
Definition: HttpReply.cc:121
Definition: CommCalls.h:133
struct CachePeer::@27 options
void resetPeerNotes(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &server, const char *requestedHost)
Definition: access_log.cc:193
Definition: CommCalls.h:127
void readServer(char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno)
Definition: tunnel.cc:584
Definition: errorpage.h:88
void prepForDirect()
get ready to be sent directly to an origin server, excluding originserver
Definition: HttpRequest.cc:456
bool IsReforwardableStatus(StatusCode)
whether to send the request to another peer based on the current response status code
Definition: StatusCode.cc:281
void serverClosed()
handles Squid-to-server connection closure; may destroy us
Definition: tunnel.cc:312
static auto & guaranteedRequest(const ClientHttpRequest *const cr)
safely extracts HttpRequest from a never-nil ClientHttpRequest pointer
Definition: tunnel.cc:395
Definition: CodeContext.h:52
void connectedToPeer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &)
called after connection setup (including any encryption)
Definition: tunnel.cc:1298
void noteSecurityPeerConnectorAnswer(Security::EncryptorAnswer &)
callback handler for the Security::PeerConnector encryptor
Definition: tunnel.cc:1274
StatusCode peerResponseStatus
the status code of the successfully parsed CONNECT response (or scNone)
Definition: HttpTunnelerAnswer.h:45
Definition: CommCalls.h:229
bool forceTunnel
whether to forward via TunnelStateData (instead of FwdState)
Definition: RequestFlags.h:120
bool exhaustedTries() const
whether we have used up all permitted forwarding attempts
Definition: tunnel.cc:1178
void eventAdd(const char *name, EVH *func, void *arg, double when, int weight, bool cbdata)
Definition: event.cc:107
static void ReadServer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, char *buf, size_t len, Comm::Flag errcode, int xerrno, void *data)
Definition: tunnel.cc:574
CbcPointer< ConnStateData > clientConnectionManager
Definition: HttpRequest.h:232
Definition: tunnel.cc:74
ErrorDetail::Pointer MakeNamedErrorDetail(const char *name)
Definition: Detail.cc:54
void deleteThis()
destroys the tunnel (after performing potentially-throwing cleanup)
Definition: tunnel.cc:379
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