Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NAuthHTTP Authentication
 NCommAbstraction layer for TCP, UDP, TLS, UDS and filedescriptor sockets
 NDnsGeneric DNS API
 NHelperHelper protocol primitives
 NMemMemory Management
 NMgrCache Manager API
 NParserGeneric protocol-agnostic parsing tools
 NSecurityNetwork/connection security abstraction layer
 NstdSTL namespace
 NTimeTime and Date handling tools
 C_devpoll_stateCurrent state
 CACLDataConfigured ACL parameter(s) (e.g., domain names in dstdomain ACL)
 CAclDenyInfoListDeny_info representation. Currently a POD
 CAclSizeLimitRepresentation of a class of Size-limit ACLs
 CAppendingStreamBufWrite-only std::streambuf that append()s all writes to a given Buffer
 CAsEui48I/O manipulator to print EUI48 addresses
 CAsListStd::ostream manipulator to print containers as flat lists
 CAsyncCallbackSmart AsyncCall pointer for delivery of future results
 CBandwidthBucketBase class for Squid-to-client bandwidth limiting
 CByteCounterCounter for accumulating byte values
 CCacheLogChannelDebugChannel managing messages destined for the configured cache_log file
 CCacheManagerInternalsProvides test code access to CacheManager internal symbols
 CCachePeersCache_peer configuration storage
 CCallbackDataOld-style void* callback parameter
 CCalledEventHelper for tests - an event which records the number of calls it received
 CCarpRrReacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module
 CCharacterSetOptimized set of C chars, with quick membership test and merge support
 CCollapsedForwardingSends and handles collapsed forwarding notifications
 CCollapsedForwardingMsgIPC queue message
 CCollapsedForwardingRrInitializes shared queue used by CollapsedForwarding
 CCollapsingHistoryCollapsed forwarding history of a master transaction
 CCommandLineManages arguments passed to a program (i.e., main(argc, argv) parameters)
 CCommonNamesPrinterPrints X.509 names extracted using Ssl::HasMatchingSubjectName()
 CCompiledDebugMessageFully processed debugs(), ready to be logged
 CCpuAffinityMapStores cpu_affinity_map configuration
 CCpuAffinitySetCpu affinity management for a single process
 CDebugChannelReceiver of debugs() messages (e.g., stderr or cache.log)
 CDebugFileNamed FILE with very-early/late usage safety mechanisms
 CDebugMessageManages configurable aspects of a debugs() message
 CDebugMessageHeaderMeta-information of a Finish()ed debugs() message
 CDebugMessagesCollection of DebugMessage objects (with fast access by message IDs)
 CDelayedUdpSendDelayed icpUdpSend() call
 CDescriptorSetAn unordered collection of unique descriptors with O(1) add/del/has ops
 CDiskdActionImplement aggregated 'diskd' action
 CDiskdActionDataStore disk daemon stats
 CDownloaderAnswerDownload result
 CErrorTransaction problem
 CErrorDetailInterface for supplying additional information about a transaction failure
 CErrorDynamicPageInfoError page created from admin-configurable metadata (e.g. deny_info)
 CFadingCodeContextBeing-forgotten CodeContext (while it may be being destroyed)
 CFadingCounterCounts events, forgetting old ones. Useful for "3 errors/minute" limits
 CFilePortable locking-aware exception-friendly file (with RAII API)
 CFileOpeningConfigHow should a file be opened/created? Should it be locked?
 CHappyConnOpenerAnswerFinal result (an open connection or an error) sent to the job initiator
 CHappySpareWaitKeeps track of HappyConnOpener spare track waiting state
 CHardCodedErrorError page (or a part of an error page) with hard-coded template text
 CHeaderManglersA collection of headerMangler objects for a given message kind
 CHttpControlMsgBundles HTTP 1xx reply and the "successfully forwarded" callback
 CHttpControlMsgSinkSends a single control message, notifying the Sink
 CHttpHeaderFieldStatPer field statistics. Currently a POD
 CHttpHeaderStatHTTP per header statistics
 CHttpUpgradeProtocolAccessAllows or blocks HTTP Upgrade protocols (see http_upgrade_request_protocols)
 CIndependentRunnerA RegisteredRunner with lifetime determined by forces outside the Registry
 CIoStatsIO statistics. Currently a POD
 CIpCacheLookupForwarderForwards non-blocking IP cache lookup results to either IPH or IpReciever
 CIpcIoMsgConverts DiskIO requests to IPC queue messages
 CIpcIoPendingRequestKeeps original I/O request parameters while disker is handling the request
 CKidsCollection of kids
 CListeningStartedDialerDials clientListenerConnectionOpened call
 CLongOptionA struct option C++ wrapper, helps with option::name copying/freeing
 CMemBlobStatsVarious MemBlob class-wide statistics
 CMessageBucketLimits Squid-to-client bandwidth for each matching response
 CMessageDelayConfigConfiguration for response delay pools
 CMyTestProgramCustomizes our test setup
 CNamedErrorDetailDetails an error by tying it to a uniquely named circumstance
 CNeighborTypeDomainListRepresentation of a neighbor_type_domain configuration directive. A POD
 CNullaryFunDialerCalls a function without arguments. See also: NullaryMemFunT
 COptionsExtractorLibecap Visitor for converting adapter transaction options to HttpHeader
 CPeerPoolMgrMaintains an fixed-size "standby" PconnPool for a single CachePeer
 CPeerPoolMgrsRrLaunches PeerPoolMgrs for peers configured with standby.limit
 CPeerSelectionDumperHelper class to report a selected destination (for debugging)
 CPeerSelectionInitiatorInterface for those who need a list of peers to forward a request to
 CPeerSourceHashRrReacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module
 CPeerUserHashRrReacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module
 CPendingOpenRequestHolds information necessary to handle JoinListen response
 Cping_dataICP probing of cache_peers during peer selection
 CPoolingAllocatorSTL Allocator that uses Squid memory pools for memory management
 CPrecomputedCodeContextCodeContext with constant details known at construction time
 CPrimeChanceGiverEnforces happy_eyeballs_connect_timeout
 CProgressAdvancement of work that consists of (usually known number) of similar steps
 CProtocolViewReference to a protocol name[/version] string; no 0-termination is assumed
 CRefreshPatternRepresentation of a refresh pattern
 CReportSysErrorStream manipulator for printing a system call error (if any)
 CRrSpecsMetadata for parsing DNS A and AAAA records
 CSBufEqualSBuf equality predicate for STL algorithms etc
 CSBufReservationRequirementsNamed SBuf::reserve() parameters. Defaults ask for and restrict nothing
 CSBufStartsWithSBuf "starts with" predicate for STL algorithms etc
 CSBufStatsActionSBuf stats for cachemgr
 CSharedMemPagesRrInitializes shared memory pages
 CSharedSessionCacheRrInitializes shared memory segments used by MemStore
 CSipcIoIpcIo wrapper for debugs() streams; XXX: find a better class name
 CSourceLocationSource code location that is cheap to create, copy, and store
 CSpareAllowanceGiverEnforces happy_eyeballs_connect_gap and happy_eyeballs_connect_limit
 CSquidConfigRepresentation of the configuration. POD
 Cssl_optionSet of options we can parse and what they map to
 CStderrChannelDebugChannel managing messages destined for "standard error stream" (stderr)
 CStoreClientStoreGetPublic*() caller
 CStoreInfoStatsHigh-level store statistics used by mgr:info action. Used inside PODs!
 CStoreIoStatsStore statistics related to low-level I/O
 CStoreRebuildDataCache_dir(s) indexing statistics
 CSupportOrVetoBoolean flag that is false by default and becomes permanently false if vetoed
 CSwapChecksum24Maintains a 24-bit checksum over integer fields
 CSysErrorDetailSystem call failure detail based on standard errno(3)/strerror(3) APIs
 CSyslogChannelSyslog DebugChannel
 CTestProgramImplements test program's main() function while enabling customization
 CTextExceptionStd::runtime_error with thrower location info
 CTransientsRrInitializes shared memory segment used by Transients
 CUFSSwapLogParser_v2Swap.state v2 log parser
 CUnaryFunCallbackDialerCallDialer for single-parameter callback functions
 CUnaryFunDialerCallDialer for single-parameter stand-alone functions
 CWithAnswerAccess to a callback result carried by an asynchronous CallDialer
 CWithExtrasHelps prints T object using object's T::printWithExtras() method
 CWordlistIteratorMinimal iterator for read-only traversal of wordlist objects
 CXactionInitiatorIdentifies a protocol agent or Squid feature initiating transactions




