►NAcl | |
CAdaptationServiceCheck | "adaptation_service" ACL |
CAddress | List of address-based ACLs |
CAllOf | |
CAndNode | |
CAnnotateClientCheck | "annotate_client" ACL |
CAnnotateTransactionCheck | "annotate_transaction" ACL |
CAnnotationCheck | Common parent of several ACLs dealing with transaction annotations |
CAnswer | |
CAnyOf | Configurable any-of ACL. Each ACL line is a disjuction of ACLs |
CAtStepCheck | "at_step" ACL |
CCertificateErrorCheck | "ssl_error" ACL |
CCharacterSetOption | Option value to configure one or more characters (e.g., -m=",;") |
CChecklistFiller | Interface for those capable of configuring an ACLFilledChecklist object |
CClientCertificateCheck | "user_cert" or "ca_cert" ACL |
CConnectionsEncrypted | |
CConnMark | |
CCurrentTimeCheck | "time" ACL |
CDestinationAsnCheck | "dst_as" ACL |
CDestinationDomainCheck | "dstdomain" or "dstdom_regex" ACL |
CFinalizedParameterizedNode | |
CHasComponentCheck | "has" ACL |
CHierCodeCheck | "hier_code" ACL |
CHttpRepHeaderCheck | "rep_header" ACL |
CHttpReqHeaderCheck | "req_header" ACL |
CInnerNode | An intermediate Acl::Node tree node. Manages a collection of child tree nodes |
CLocalPortCheck | "localport" ACL |
CMethodCheck | "method" ACL |
CMyPortNameCheck | "myportname" ACL |
CNamedAcls | Parsed "acl aclname ..." directives indexed by aclname |
CNode | |
CNoteCheck | "note" ACL |
CNotNode | Implements the "not" or "!" operator |
COption | A single option supported by an ACL: -x[=value] or –name[=value] |
COptionExtractor | Low-level parser that extracts but does not interpret ACL options |
COptionsParser | Parses/validates/stores ACL options; skips/preserves parameter flags |
COptionValue | Stores configuration of a typical boolean flag or a single-value Option |
COrNode | |
CParameterizedNode | |
CParsingContext | CodeContext of the being-parsed acl directive |
CPeerNameCheck | "peername" or "peername_regex" ACL |
CProtocolCheck | "proto" ACL |
CReplyHeaderCheck | Matches the value of a given reply header (e.g., "rep_mime_type" ACL) |
CRequestHeaderCheck | Matches the value of a given request header (e.g., "browser" or "referer_regex") |
CServerCertificateCheck | "server_cert_fingerprint" ACL |
CServerNameCheck | "ssl::server_name" or "ssl::server_name_regex" ACL |
CServerNameMatcher | GeneralNameMatcher for matching configured ACL parameters |
CSnmpCommunityCheck | "snmp_community" ACL |
CSourceAsnCheck | "src_as" ACL |
CSourceDomainCheck | "srcdomain" or "srcdom_regex" ACL |
CSplayInserter | |
CSquidErrorCheck | "squid_error" ACL |
CTagCheck | "tag" ACL |
CTransactionInitiator | Transaction_initiator ACL |
CTree | |
CTypedOption | Type-specific Option (e.g., a boolean –toggle or -m=SBuf) |
CTypeNameCmp | Acl::Node type name comparison functor |
CUrlCheck | "url_regex" ACL |
CUrlLoginCheck | "urllogin" ACL |
CUrlPathCheck | "urlpath_regex" ACL |
CUrlPortCheck | "port" ACL |
►NAdaptation | |
►NEcap | |
CBodyRep | |
CConfig | General eCAP configuration |
CConfigRep | Wraps Adaptation::Ecap::ServiceConfig to allow eCAP visitors |
CEngine | Manages async eCAP transactions |
CFirstLineRep | |
CHeaderRep | |
CHost | |
CMessageRep | |
CRequestLineRep | |
CServiceConfig | ECAP service configuration |
CServiceRep | |
CStatusLineRep | |
CXactionRep | |
►NIcap | |
CChunkExtensionValueParser | Handles ICAP-specific chunk extensions supported by Squid |
CConfig | |
CConnWaiterDialer | |
CHistory | Collects information about ICAP processing related to an HTTP transaction |
CInOut | |
CLauncher | |
►CModXact | |
CState | |
CModXactLauncher | |
►COptions | |
CTransferList | |
CTransfers | |
COptXact | |
COptXactLauncher | |
CPreview | |
►CServiceRep | |
CClient | |
CSizedEstimate | |
CTrailerParser | Parses and stores ICAP trailer header block |
CVirginBodyAct | |
CXactAbortInfo | |
CXaction | |
CAccessCheck | |
CAccessRule | |
CAnswer | Summarizes adaptation service answer for the noteAdaptationAnswer() API |
CAnswerCall | |
CConfig | |
CDynamicGroupCfg | DynamicServiceGroup configuration to remember future dynamic chains |
CDynamicServiceChain | Temporary service chain built upon another service request |
►CHistory | Collects information about adaptations related to a master transaction |
CEntry | Single Xaction stats (i.e., a historical record entry) |
CInitiate | |
CInitiator | |
CIterator | Iterates services in ServiceGroup, starting adaptation launchers |
CMessage | |
CService | |
CServiceChain | Group of services that must be used one after another |
CServiceConfig | |
CServiceFilter | Information used to search for adaptation services |
CServiceGroup | |
CServicePlan | |
CServiceSet | |
CSingleService | |
►NAnyP | |
CBracketed | |
CHost | Either a domain name (as defined in DNS RFC 1034) or an IP address |
CPortCfg | |
CProtocolVersion | |
CTrafficMode | |
CUri | |
CUriScheme | |
►NAuth | HTTP Authentication |
CConfig | |
CCredentialCacheRr | |
CCredentialsCache | Cache of Auth::User credentials, keyed by Auth::User::userKey |
CQueueNode | |
CScheme | |
CSchemeConfig | |
CSchemesConfig | |
CStateData | |
CUser | |
CUserRequest | |
►NComm | Abstraction layer for TCP, UDP, TLS, UDS and filedescriptor sockets |
CAcceptLimiter | |
CCbEntry | |
CConnection | |
►CConnOpener | |
CCalls | Handles to calls which we may need to cancel |
CIncoming | |
CIoCallback | Details about a particular Comm IO callback event |
CTcpAcceptor | |
CTcpKeepAlive | Configuration settings for the TCP keep-alive feature |
►NConfiguration | |
CComponent | |
►NDns | Generic DNS API |
CCachedIp | CachedIps element |
CCachedIps | |
CConfigRr | Manage DNS internal component |
CGoodIpsIterator | Iterates over good IPs in CachedIps, starting at the so called current one |
CIpReceiver | Interface for receiving IP::Addresses from nbgethostbyname() |
CIpsIterator | Iterates over any (good and/or bad) IPs in CachedIps, in unspecified order |
CIpsSelector | |
CLookupDetails | Encapsulates DNS lookup results |
►NErrorPage | |
CBuild | State and parameters shared by several ErrorState::compile*() methods |
CBuildErrorPrinter | Pretty-prints error page/deny_info building error |
►NEui | |
CEui48 | |
CEui64 | |
CEuiConfig | |
►NFormat | |
CFmtConfig | The set of custom formats defined in squid.conf |
CFormat | |
CToken | |
CTokenNamespace | |
CTokenTableEntry | One entry in a table of format tokens |
►NFs | |
►NUfs | |
►CRebuildState | |
CFlags | |
CStoreFSufs | |
►CUFSStoreState | |
C_queued_read | |
C_queued_write | |
CUFSStrategy | |
CUFSSwapDir | |
CUFSSwapLogParser | |
►NFtp | |
CChannel | |
CClient | FTP client functionality shared among FTP Gateway and Relay clients |
CCtrlChannel | |
CDataChannel | |
CErrorDetail | |
CGateway | |
CGatewayFlags | |
CMasterState | Transaction information shared among our FTP client and server jobs |
CRelay | |
CServer | Manages a control connection from an FTP client |
►NHelper | Helper protocol primitives |
CChildConfig | |
►CClient | |
C_stats | |
CReply | |
CRequest | |
CReservationId | (temporary) lock on a (stateful) helper channel |
CSession | |
►CSessionBase | Single helper process |
C_helper_flags | |
CXaction | Holds the required data to serve a helper request |
►NHttp | |
►NOne | Common part of ParseBws() and ParseStrctBws() |
CChunkExtensionValueParser | |
CParser | |
CRequestParser | |
CResponseParser | |
CServer | Manages a connection from an HTTP/1 or HTTP/0.9 client |
CTeChunkedParser | |
CContentLengthInterpreter | |
CHeaderLookupTable_t | |
CHeaderTableRecord | |
CMessage | Common parts of HttpRequest and HttpReply |
CStateFlags | |
CStatusLine | |
►CStream | |
CDeferredParams | |
CTunneler | |
CTunnelerAnswer | |
►NIp | |
►NQos | |
CConfig | |
►NIpc | |
►NMem | |
CFlexibleArray | |
CIdSet | Shareable set of positive uint32_t IDs with O(1) insertion/removal ops |
CIdSetInnerNode | Helper class to perform inner node manipulation for IdSet |
CIdSetMeasurements | Basic IdSet storage parameters, extracted here to keep them constant |
CIdSetPosition | |
CObject | Attaches to a shared memory segment with Class object owned by Owner |
COwner | |
CPageId | Shared memory page identifier, address, or handler |
CPagePool | |
►CPageStack | |
CConfig | PageStack construction and SharedMemorySize calculation parameters |
CPointer | |
CRegisteredRunner | |
CSegment | POSIX shared memory segment |
CBaseMultiQueue | |
CCoordinator | Coordinates shared activities of Strands (Squid processes or threads) |
►CFewToFewBiQueue | |
CMetadata | Shared metadata for FewToFewBiQueue |
COwner | |
CForwarder | |
CInquirer | |
►CMemMap | A map of MemMapSlots indexed by their keys, with read/write slot locking |
CShared | Data shared across maps in different processes |
CMemMapCleaner | API for adjusting external state when dirty map slot is being freed |
CMemMapSlot | MemMap basic element, holding basic shareable memory block info |
►CMultiQueue | |
CMetadata | Shared metadata for MultiQueue |
COwner | |
►COneToOneUniQueue | |
CFull | |
CItemTooLarge | |
COneToOneUniQueues | Shared array of OneToOneUniQueues |
COpenListenerParams | "shared listen" is when concurrent processes are listening on the same fd |
CPort | Waits for and receives incoming IPC messages; kids handle the messages |
CQuestionerId | |
CQueueReader | |
CQueueReaders | Shared array of QueueReaders |
CReadWriteLock | |
CReadWriteLockStats | Approximate stats of a set of ReadWriteLocks |
CRequest | IPC request |
CRequestId | |
CResponse | A response to Ipc::Request |
CSharedListenRequest | Request for a listen socket with given parameters |
CSharedListenResponse | Response to SharedListenRequest |
CStartListeningAnswer | StartListening() result |
►CStoreMap | |
COwner | Aggregates anchor and slice owners for Init() caller convenience |
►CStoreMapAnchor | |
CBasics | |
CStoreMapAnchors | |
CStoreMapCleaner | API for adjusting external state when dirty map slice is being freed |
CStoreMapItems | |
CStoreMapSlice | |
►CStoreMapUpdate | Aggregates information required for updating entry metadata and headers |
CEdition | During an update, the stored entry has two editions: stale and fresh |
CStrand | Receives coordination messages on behalf of its process or thread |
CStrandCoord | Strand location details |
CStrandMessage | IPC message carrying StrandCoord |
CStrandSearchRequest | Asynchronous strand search request |
►CTypedMsgHdr | Struct msghdr with a known type, fixed-size I/O and control buffers |
CCtrlBuffer | |
CDataBuffer | |
CUdsOp | |
CUdsSender | Attempts to send an IPC message a few times, with a timeout |
►NLog | |
CLogConfig | |
CTcpLogger | |
►NMem | Memory Management |
CAllocator | |
CAllocatorProxy | |
CMeter | |
►CPoolMeter | |
Cmgb_t | Object to track per-pool cumulative counters |
CPoolStats | |
►NMgr | Cache Manager API |
CAction | |
CActionCreator | |
CActionParams | Cache Manager Action parameters extracted from the user request |
CActionPasswordList | List of cachemgr password authorization definitions. Currently a POD |
CActionProfile | Hard-coded Cache Manager action configuration, including Action creator |
CActionWriter | |
CClassActionCreator | Creates Action using supplied Action::Create method and command |
CCommand | Combined hard-coded action profile with user-supplied action parameters |
CCountersAction | Implement aggregated 'counters' action |
CCountersActionData | Store traffic and resource counters |
CFiller | Coordinator with a local cache manager response |
CForwarder | |
CFunAction | |
CFunActionCreator | Creates FunAction using ActionCreator API |
CIndexAction | |
CInfoAction | Implement aggregated 'info' action |
CInfoActionData | |
CInquirer | |
CIntervalAction | Implement aggregated interval actions |
CIntervalActionData | |
CIntParam | |
CIoAction | Implement aggregated 'io' action |
CIoActionData | Store size histograms of network read() from peer server |
CMenuAction | Returns available Cache Manager actions and their access requirements |
COfflineToggleAction | Changes offline mode |
CQueryParam | |
CQueryParams | |
CReconfigureAction | Reconfigures Squid |
CRequest | Cache manager request |
CResponse | |
CRotateAction | Starts log rotation |
CServiceTimesAction | Implement aggregated 'service_times' action |
CServiceTimesActionData | Store service times for 5 and 60 min |
CShutdownAction | Shuts Squid down |
CStoreIoAction | Implement aggregated 'store_io' action |
CStoreIoActionData | Store IO interface data |
CStoreToCommWriter | |
CStringParam | |
►NParser | Generic protocol-agnostic parsing tools |
CBinaryTokenizer | |
CBinaryTokenizerContext | Enables efficient debugging with concise field names: Hello.version.major |
CInsufficientInput | Thrown by modern "incremental" parsers when they need more data |
CTokenizer | |
►NProxyProtocol | |
►NTwo | |
CTlv | Single Type-Length-Value (TLV) block from PROXY protocol specs |
CHeader | PROXY protocol v1 or v2 header |
CParsed | Successful parsing result |
►NRock | |
CDbCellHeader | |
►CHeaderUpdater | |
CIoCbParams | |
CIoState | |
CLoadingEntry | Smart StoreEntry-level info pointer (hides anti-padding LoadingParts arrays) |
CLoadingFlags | Low-level anti-padding storage class for LoadingEntry and LoadingSlot flags |
CLoadingParts | |
CLoadingSlot | Smart db slot-level info pointer (hides anti-padding LoadingParts arrays) |
CReadRequest | |
►CRebuild | |
CStats | Cache_dir indexing statistics shared across same-kid process restarts |
CStoreFileSystem | |
CSwapDir | |
CSwapDirRr | Initializes shared memory segments used by Rock::SwapDir |
CWriteRequest | |
►NSecurity | Network/connection security abstraction layer |
CAlert | TLS Alert protocol frame from RFC 5246 Section 7.2 |
CBlindPeerConnector | A PeerConnector for TLS cache_peers and origin servers. No SslBump capabilities |
CCertError | |
CCommunicationSecrets | |
CEncryptorAnswer | |
CErrorDetail | |
CExtension | TLS Hello Extension from RFC 5246 Section |
CFuturePeerContext | A combination of PeerOptions and the corresponding Context |
CHandshake | TLS Handshake Protocol frame from RFC 5246 Section 7.4 |
CHandshakeParser | Incremental TLS/SSL Handshake parser |
CIoResult | Summary a TLS I/O operation outcome |
CKeyData | TLS certificate and private key details from squid.conf |
CKeyLog | Single tls_key_log directive configuration and logging handler |
CKeyLogger | Manages collecting and logging secrets of a TLS connection to tls_key_log |
CLockingPointer | |
CNegotiationHistory | |
CPeerConnector | |
►CPeerOptions | TLS squid.conf settings for a remote server peer |
Cflags_ | Flags governing Squid internal TLS operations |
CServerOptions | TLS squid.conf settings for a listening port |
CSslv2Record | Draft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00. Section 4.1. SSL Record Header Format |
CTlsDetails | |
CTLSPlaintext | TLS Record Layer's frame from RFC 5246 Section 6.2.1 |
►NSnmp | |
CForwarder | |
CInquirer | |
CPdu | |
CRequest | SNMP request |
CResponse | |
CSession | Snmp_session wrapper add pack/unpack feature |
CVar | |
►NSsl | |
CBio | BIO source and sink node, handling socket I/O and monitoring SSL state |
►CCertificateDb | |
CRow | A wrapper for OpenSSL database row of TXT_DB database |
CCertificateProperties | |
CCertificateStorageAction | |
CCertValidationHelper | |
►CCertValidationMsg | |
CCertItem | |
CCertValidationRequest | |
►CCertValidationResponse | |
CRecvdError | |
CClientBio | |
CConfig | |
CCrtdMessage | |
CErrorDetailEntry | |
CErrorDetailFile | Manages error detail templates |
CErrorDetailsList | |
CErrorDetailsManager | |
CGeneralNameMatcher | Algorithm for checking/testing/comparing X.509 certificate names |
CGeneratorRequest | A pending Ssl::Helper request, combining the original and collapsed queries |
CGeneratorRequestor | Initiator of an Ssl::Helper query |
CGlobalContextStorage | Class for storing/manipulating LocalContextStorage per local listening address/port |
CHelper | |
CIcapPeerConnector | A simple PeerConnector for Secure ICAP services. No SslBump capabilities |
CLock | Maintains an exclusive blocking file-based lock |
CLocker | Exception-safe way to obtain and release a lock |
COneNameMatcher | GeneralNameMatcher for matching a single AnyP::Host given at construction time |
CPeekingPeerConnector | A PeerConnector for HTTP origin servers. Capable of SslBumping |
CServerBio | |
CServerBump | |
CVerifyCallbackParameters | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< Helper::ReservationId > | Default hash functor to support std::unordered_map<HelperReservationId, *> |
Chash< SBuf > | Default hash functor to support std::unordered_map<SBuf,*> |
►NStore | |
CControlled | |
CController | |
►CDisk | Manages a single cache_dir |
CCleanLog | |
CFlags | |
CDiskConfig | |
CDisks | Summary view of all disk caches (cache_dirs) combined |
CEntryGuard | |
CLocalSearch | Iterates local store_table |
CParsingBuffer | |
CStorage | |
CSwapMetaIterator | Iterates serialized swap meta fields loaded into a given buffer |
CSwapMetaUnpacker | Store entry metadata view providing a for-range loop meta field iterator API |
CSwapMetaView | Swap metadata field inside the buffer given to SwapMetaUnpacker |
►NTime | Time and Date handling tools |
CEngine | Event class for doing synthetic time etc |
►NTypeTraits_ | |
CInterface | Convenience base for any class with pure virtual method(s) |
C_Cache | |
C_CacheEntry | |
C_Countstr | |
C_devpoll_state | Current state |
C_fde_disk | |
C_file_state | |
C_FileIterator | |
C_fqdn_cache_stats | |
C_heap | |
C_heap_node | |
C_HeapWalkData | |
C_htcpAuthHeader | |
C_htcpDataHeader | |
C_htcpDataHeaderSquid | |
C_htcpHeader | |
C_ipcache_stats | |
C_l_daemon | |
C_LruPurgeData | |
C_LruWalkData | |
C_lstring | |
C_mib_tree_entry | |
C_ntlm_authenticate | |
C_ntlm_challenge | |
C_ntlm_negotiate | |
C_ntlmhdr | |
C_request_data | |
C_rfc1035_message | |
C_rfc1035_query | |
C_sp | |
C_store_check_cachable_hist | |
C_storerepl_entry | |
C_strhdr | |
C_ToRefCount | |
C_user_data | |
►CAccessLogEntry | |
CAdaptationDetails | This subclass holds general adaptation log info. TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside |
CCacheDetails | This subclass holds log info for Squid internal stats TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside TODO: some details relevant to particular protocols need shuffling to other sub-classes TODO: this object field need renaming to 'squid' or something |
CHeaders | This subclass holds log info for various headers in raw format TODO: shuffle this to the relevant protocol section |
CHtcpDetails | This subclass holds log info for HTCP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside |
CHttpDetails | This subclass holds log info for HTTP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside TODO: details of HTTP held in the parent class need moving into here |
CIcapLogEntry | This subclass holds log info for ICAP part of request TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside |
CIcpDetails | This subclass holds log info for ICP protocol TODO: Inner class declarations should be moved outside |
CSslDetails | Logging information specific to the SSL protocol |
Cacl_httpstatus_data | |
Cacl_ip_data | |
Cacl_nfmark | |
Cacl_proxy_auth_match_cache | |
Cacl_tos | |
CACLAdaptationServiceData | |
CACLAnnotationData | |
CACLAtStepData | |
CACLCertificateData | |
►CACLChecklist | |
CBreadcrumb | Position of a child node within an Acl::Node tree |
CACLData | Configured ACL parameter(s) (e.g., domain names in dstdomain ACL) |
CAclDenyInfoList | Deny_info representation. Currently a POD |
CACLDestinationIP | |
CACLDomainData | |
CAclDomainDataDumpVisitor | |
CACLEui64 | |
CACLExternal | |
CACLExtUser | |
CACLFilledChecklist | |
CACLHasComponentData | |
CACLHierCodeData | |
CACLHTTPHeaderData | |
CACLHTTPStatus | |
CACLIntRange | |
CACLLocalIP | |
CACLMaxConnection | |
CACLMaxUserIP | |
CACLMethodData | |
CACLNoteData | |
CACLProtocolData | |
CACLProxyAuth | |
CACLRandom | |
CACLRegexData | |
CACLServerNameData | |
CAclSizeLimit | Representation of a class of Size-limit ACLs |
CACLSourceIP | |
CACLSquidErrorData | |
CACLSslErrorData | |
CACLStringData | |
CACLTimeData | |
CACLUserData | |
►CAggregate | |
CAggregateId | |
CAIOCounts | |
CAlsoRefCountable | |
CAppendingStreamBuf | Write-only std::streambuf that append()s all writes to a given Buffer |
Cas_info | |
CAsEui48 | I/O manipulator to print EUI48 addresses |
CAsHex | |
CAsList | Std::ostream manipulator to print containers as flat lists |
Cassignment_key_t | |
CASState | |
CAsyncCall | |
CAsyncCallback | Smart AsyncCall pointer for delivery of future results |
CAsyncCallList | |
CAsyncCallQueue | |
CAsyncCallT | |
CAsyncEngine | |
CAsyncJob | |
CAtMostOnce | |
CAuthUserIP | |
CBandwidthBucket | Base class for Squid-to-client bandwidth limiting |
Cbase64_decode_ctx | |
Cbase64_encode_ctx | |
CBaseVirtual | |
CBlockingDiskIOModule | |
CBlockingFile | |
CBlockingIOStrategy | |
CBodyConsumer | |
CBodyConsumerDialer | |
CBodyPipe | |
CBodyPipeCheckout | |
CBodyProducer | |
CBodyProducerDialer | |
CBodySink | |
CByteCounter | Counter for accumulating byte values |
Ccache_mask_info_t | |
CCacheDigest | |
CCacheDigestGuessStats | |
CCacheDigestStats | |
CCacheLogChannel | DebugChannel managing messages destined for the configured cache_log file |
CCacheManager | |
CCacheManagerInternals | Provides test code access to CacheManager internal symbols |
►CCachePeer | |
Cicp_ | |
CCachePeers | Cache_peer configuration storage |
CCacheQueryStats | |
CCallbackData | Old-style void* callback parameter |
CCallCounter | |
CCallDialer | |
CCalledEvent | Helper for tests - an event which records the number of calls it received |
CCallSubscription | |
CCapturingStoreEntry | |
CCarpRr | Reacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module |
CCaseInsensitiveSBufEqual | |
CCaseInsensitiveSBufHash | |
CCbcPointer | |
Ccbdata | |
CCBDataIndex | |
CCbDataList | |
CCbDataListContainer | |
CCbDataListIterator | |
CCbdataParent | |
CCharacterSet | Optimized set of C chars, with quick membership test and merge support |
CChildVirtual | |
CClassCBucket | |
►CClassCHostPool | |
CId | |
CClassCNetPool | |
CClient | |
CClientDbRr | |
CClientDelayConfig | |
CClientDelayPool | |
CClientDelayPools | |
►CClientHttpRequest | |
CFlags | |
COut | |
CRedirect | |
►CClientInfo | |
CCutoff | |
CProtocol | |
►CclientReplyContext | |
CFlags | |
CClientRequestContext | |
CclientStreamNode | |
►CClpMap | |
CEntry | Keeper of cache entry Key, Value, and caching-related entry metadata |
Ccmsghdr | |
CCodeContext | |
CCodeContextGuard | |
CCollapsedForwarding | Sends and handles collapsed forwarding notifications |
CCollapsedForwardingMsg | IPC queue message |
CCollapsedForwardingRr | Initializes shared queue used by CollapsedForwarding |
CCollapsingHistory | Collapsed forwarding history of a master transaction |
CCommAcceptCbParams | |
CCommAcceptCbPtrFun | |
CCommandLine | Manages arguments passed to a program (i.e., main(argc, argv) parameters) |
CCommCbFunPtrCallT | |
CCommCbMemFunT | |
CCommCloseCbParams | |
CCommCloseCbPtrFun | |
CCommCommonCbParams | |
CCommConnectCbParams | |
CCommConnectCbPtrFun | |
CCommDialerParamsT | |
CCommIO | |
CCommIoCbParams | |
CCommIoCbPtrFun | |
CCommonNamesPrinter | Prints X.509 names extracted using Ssl::HasMatchingSubjectName() |
CCommonPool | |
CCommQuotaQueue | |
CCommSelectEngine | |
CCommTimeoutCbParams | |
CCommTimeoutCbPtrFun | |
CCompiledDebugMessage | Fully processed debugs(), ready to be logged |
►CCompositePoolNode | |
CCompositeSelectionDetails | |
CConfigOption | |
CConfigOptionAdapter | |
CConfigOptionVector | |
►CConfigParser | |
CCfgFile | |
►CConnStateData | |
CPinnedIdleContext | Parameters for the async notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() call |
CServerConnectionContext | NoteTakeServerConnectionControl() callback parameter |
CConservativeTimer | |
Ccpu_set_t | |
CCpuAffinityMap | Stores cpu_affinity_map configuration |
CCpuAffinitySet | Cpu affinity management for a single process |
CCustomLog | |
►CDebug | |
CContext | Meta-information for debugs() or a similar debugging call |
►CDebugChannel | Receiver of debugs() messages (e.g., stderr or cache.log) |
CLogger | Output iterator for writing CompiledDebugMessages to a given channel |
CDebugFile | Named FILE with very-early/late usage safety mechanisms |
CDebugMessage | Manages configurable aspects of a debugs() message |
CDebugMessageHeader | Meta-information of a Finish()ed debugs() message |
CDebugMessages | Collection of DebugMessage objects (with fast access by message IDs) |
CDebugModule | |
CDefaultValues | |
CDelayBucket | |
CDelayConfig | |
CDelayedAsyncCalls | |
CDelayedUdpSend | Delayed icpUdpSend() call |
CDelayId | |
CDelayIdComposite | |
CDelayPool | |
CDelayPools | |
CDelaySpec | |
►CDelayTagged | |
CId | |
CDelayTaggedBucket | |
CDelayTaggedStatsVisitor | |
CDelayTaggedUpdater | |
CDelayTaggedUpdateVisitor | |
►CDelayVector | |
CId | |
CDescriptorSet | An unordered collection of unique descriptors with O(1) add/del/has ops |
CDetailEntryParser | |
CDigestFetchState | |
Cdiomsg | |
Cdiskd_stats_t | |
CDiskdAction | Implement aggregated 'diskd' action |
CDiskdActionData | Store disk daemon stats |
CDiskDaemonDiskIOModule | |
CDiskdFile | |
CDiskdIOStrategy | |
►CDiskFile | |
CConfig | Generally useful configuration options supported by some children |
CDiskIOModule | |
CDiskIOStrategy | |
CDiskThreadsDiskFile | |
CDiskThreadsDiskIOModule | |
CDiskThreadsIOStrategy | |
Cdlink_list | |
Cdlink_node | |
CDownloader | |
CDownloaderAnswer | Download result |
CDownloaderContext | |
Cdread_ctrl | |
Cdwrite_q | |
Cedui_conf_t | |
Cedui_ldap_t | |
CEntry | |
Cenum_list | |
CEnumIterator | |
CEnumIteratorBase | |
CEnumRangeT | |
Cerr_code_struct | |
CError | Transaction problem |
CErrorDetail | Interface for supplying additional information about a transaction failure |
CErrorDynamicPageInfo | Error page created from admin-configurable metadata (e.g. deny_info) |
CErrorPageFile | |
CErrorState | |
CETag | |
Ceui64 | |
Cev_entry | |
CEventDialer | |
CEventLoop | |
CEventScheduler | |
CExceptionErrorDetail | |
Cexternal_acl | |
Cexternal_acl_data | |
CExternalACLEntry | |
CExternalACLEntryData | |
CexternalAclState | |
CFadingCodeContext | Being-forgotten CodeContext (while it may be being destroyed) |
CFadingCounter | Counts events, forgetting old ones. Useful for "3 errors/minute" limits |
►Cfde | |
C_fde_flags | |
CFile | Portable locking-aware exception-friendly file (with RAII API) |
CFileMap | |
CFileOpeningConfig | How should a file be opened/created? Should it be locked? |
CFormattedLog | |
►Cfqdncache_entry | |
CFlags | |
CftpListParts | |
CFwdServer | |
CFwdState | |
Cgdstruct | |
Cgeneric_cbdata | |
►CHappyConnOpener | |
CAttempt | Connection opening attempt in progress (or falsy) |
CHappyConnOpenerAnswer | Final result (an open connection or an error) sent to the job initiator |
CHappyOrderEnforcer | |
CHappySpareWait | Keeps track of HappyConnOpener spare track waiting state |
CHardCodedError | Error page (or a part of an error page) with hard-coded template text |
CHardFun | |
CHasExplicit | |
Chash_link | |
Chash_table | |
CheaderMangler | |
►CHeaderManglers | A collection of headerMangler objects for a given message kind |
CNoCaseLessThan | |
CHeaderWithAcl | |
CHeapPolicyData | |
CHeapPurgeData | |
Chelper_stateful_server | |
CHierarchyLogEntry | |
Chstruct | |
ChtcpDetail | |
►CHtcpReplyData | |
Ccto_t | |
ChtcpSpecifier | |
ChtcpStuff | |
CHttpBody | |
CHttpControlMsg | Bundles HTTP 1xx reply and the "successfully forwarded" callback |
CHttpControlMsgSink | Sends a single control message, notifying the Sink |
CHttpHdrCc | |
CHttpHdrContRange | |
CHttpHdrRange | |
CHttpHdrRangeIter | |
CHttpHdrRangeSpec | |
CHttpHdrSc | |
CHttpHdrScTarget | |
CHttpHeader | |
CHttpHeaderEntry | |
CHttpHeaderFieldStat | Per field statistics. Currently a POD |
CHttpHeaderHashTable | |
CHttpHeaderStat | HTTP per header statistics |
CHttpReply | |
CHttpRequest | |
CHttpRequestMethod | |
►CHttpStateData | |
CReuseDecision | Assists in making and relaying entry caching/sharing decision |
CHttpStatusAclDumpVisitor | |
►CHttpUpgradeProtocolAccess | Allows or blocks HTTP Upgrade protocols (see http_upgrade_request_protocols) |
CNamedGuard | Single configured access rule for an explicitly named protocol |
CIcmp | |
CIcmp4 | |
CIcmp6 | |
CIcmpConfig | |
CicmpEchoData | |
CIcmpPinger | |
CIcmpSquid | |
CIcmpStub | |
CICP2State | |
CICP3State | |
Cicp_common_t | |
CICPState | |
CIdleConnList | |
Cidns_query | |
CIndependentRunner | A RegisteredRunner with lifetime determined by forces outside the Registry |
CIndividualPool | |
CInspectingStatHist | |
CInstanceId | |
CInstanceToSingletonAdapter | |
Cintnode | |
CIORequestor | |
CIoResult | |
CIoStats | IO statistics. Currently a POD |
Ciovec | |
►CIp | |
CAddress | |
CAddress_list | |
CIntercept | |
CNfMarkConfig | Netfilter mark/mask pair |
Cip_user_dict | |
CIpAclDumpVisitor | |
Cipc_params | |
►Cipcache_entry | |
CFlags | |
►CIpCacheLookupForwarder | Forwards non-blocking IP cache lookup results to either IPH or IpReciever |
CfirstLookupStart | |
ClastLookupEnd | |
CIpcIoDiskIOModule | |
CIpcIoFile | |
CIpcIoIOStrategy | |
CIpcIoMsg | Converts DiskIO requests to IPC queue messages |
CIpcIoPendingRequest | Keeps original I/O request parameters while disker is handling the request |
CIpcIoRr | |
CJobDialer | |
CJobWait | |
CJobWaitBase | |
CKid | |
CKids | Collection of kids |
Cl_stdio_t | |
Cl_udp_t | |
Cldap_creds | |
CListeningStartedDialer | Dials clientListenerConnectionOpened call |
CLoadableModule | |
CLock | |
CLogfile | |
Clogfile_buffer_t | |
CLoggingSectionGuard | |
CLogTags | |
CLogTagsErrors | |
CLongOption | A struct option C++ wrapper, helps with option::name copying/freeing |
CLookupTable | |
CLookupTableRecord | |
CLowestMemReader | |
CLruNode | |
CLruPolicyData | |
Clsstruct | |
Cm_ADDR | |
Cmain_args | |
CMasterXaction | |
Cmem_hdr | |
Cmem_node | |
CMemBlob | |
CMemBlobStats | Various MemBlob class-wide statistics |
CMemBuf | |
CMemChunk | |
►CMemObject | |
CMemCache | State of an entry with regards to the [shared] memory caching |
CSwapOut | |
CXitTable | State of an entry with regards to the [shared] in-transit table |
CMemPoolChunked | |
CMemPoolMalloc | |
CMemPools | |
►CMemStore | |
CSlotAndPage | Temporary storage for slot and page ID pointers; for the waiting cache |
CMemStoreMapExtraItem | |
CMemStoreRr | |
CMessageBucket | Limits Squid-to-client bandwidth for each matching response |
CMessageDelayConfig | Configuration for response delay pools |
CMessageDelayPool | |
CMessageDelayPools | |
CMessageSizes | |
CMimeEntry | |
CMimeIcon | |
CMmappedDiskIOModule | |
CMmappedFile | |
CMmappedIOStrategy | |
CMmapping | |
CMoreToAlloc | |
Cmsghdr | |
CMyTestProgram | Customizes our test setup |
CNamedErrorDetail | Details an error by tying it to a uniquely named circumstance |
Cndstruct | |
CNeighborTypeDomainList | Representation of a neighbor_type_domain configuration directive. A POD |
Cnet_db_name | |
Cnet_db_peer | |
CnetdbEntry | |
CnetdbExchangeState | |
Cnode | |
►CNote | |
CValue | Stores a value for the note |
►CNotePairs | |
CEntry | Used to store a note key/value pair |
CNotes | |
Cns | |
Cnsvc | |
CNtlmAuthRr | |
CNullaryFunDialer | Calls a function without arguments. See also: NullaryMemFunT |
CNullaryMemFunT | |
CNullDelayId | |
COpenSSL_vcb_disambiguation | |
COptionsExtractor | Libecap Visitor for converting adapter transaction options to HttpHeader |
COverflowSumTester | |
CPackable | |
CPackableStream | |
CParent | |
CPconnModule | |
CPconnPool | |
CPeerConnectionPointer | |
CPeerDigest | |
CPeeringActivityTimer | |
CPeerPoolMgr | Maintains an fixed-size "standby" PconnPool for a single CachePeer |
CPeerPoolMgrsRr | Launches PeerPoolMgrs for peers configured with standby.limit |
CPeerSelectionDumper | Helper class to report a selected destination (for debugging) |
CPeerSelectionInitiator | Interface for those who need a list of peers to forward a request to |
CPeerSelector | |
CPeerSelectorPingMonitor | |
CPeerSourceHashRr | Reacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module |
CPeerUserHashRr | Reacts to RegisteredRunner events relevant to this module |
CPendingOpenRequest | Holds information necessary to handle JoinListen response |
Cping_data | ICP probing of cache_peers during peer selection |
CpingerEchoData | |
CpingerReplyData | |
CPipeline | |
CPointerPrinter | |
►CPoolingAllocator | STL Allocator that uses Squid memory pools for memory management |
Crebind | |
CPoolMeta | |
CPrecomputedCodeContext | CodeContext with constant details known at construction time |
CPrimeChanceGiver | Enforces happy_eyeballs_connect_timeout |
CPrivateHttpRequest | |
CProgress | Advancement of work that consists of (usually known number) of similar steps |
CProtocolView | Reference to a protocol name[/version] string; no 0-termination is assumed |
Cpw_auth_hdr | |
CRandomUuid | |
CRange | |
CRaw | |
CRawAccessLogEntry | |
CRawLongOption | |
CRawPointerT | |
CReadRequest | |
CRecordingEngine | |
Credirect_addr | |
CRedirectStateData | |
CRefCount | |
CRefCountable | |
CRefreshCounts | |
►CRefreshPattern | Representation of a refresh pattern |
Cstats_ | |
CRegexPattern | |
CRegisteredRunner | |
CRemovalPolicy | |
CRemovalPolicyNode | |
CRemovalPolicySettings | |
CRemovalPolicyWalker | |
CRemovalPurgeWalker | |
CReportSysError | Stream manipulator for printing a system call error (if any) |
Crequest_list | |
CRequestFlags | |
CResolvedPeerPath | |
CResolvedPeers | |
CresultSet | |
CReverseEnumIterator | |
Crfc1035_rr | |
CRFCNB_Con | |
CRFCNB_Pkt | |
Crouter_identity_info_t | |
Crouter_view_t | |
CRrSpecs | Metadata for parsing DNS A and AAAA records |
Crtentry_t | |
Crusage | |
►CSBuf | |
CLocker | |
CSBufAddLength | |
CSBufEqual | SBuf equality predicate for STL algorithms etc |
CSBufFindTest | |
CSBufIterator | |
CSBufReservationRequirements | Named SBuf::reserve() parameters. Defaults ask for and restrict nothing |
CSBufReverseIterator | |
CSBufStartsWith | SBuf "starts with" predicate for STL algorithms etc |
CSBufStats | |
CSBufStatsAction | SBuf stats for cachemgr |
CSBufStream | |
CSBufSubstrAutoTest | |
CScopedId | |
CServer | |
Csession_list | |
CSharedMemory | |
CSharedMemPagesRr | Initializes shared memory pages |
CSharedSessionCacheRr | Initializes shared memory segments used by MemStore |
CShmWriter | |
CSignalEngine | |
CSingletonIOStrategy | |
CSipcIo | IpcIo wrapper for debugs() streams; XXX: find a better class name |
CSMB_Connect_Def | |
CSMB_CP_dirent | |
CSMB_File_Def | |
CSMB_Status | |
CSMB_Tree_Structure | |
Csnmp_internal_session | |
Csnmp_mib_tree | |
Csnmp_pdu | |
Csnmp_session | |
CSnmpRequest | |
Csockaddr_un | |
CSomethingToAlloc | |
CSourceLocation | Source code location that is cheap to create, copy, and store |
CSpareAllowanceGiver | Enforces happy_eyeballs_connect_gap and happy_eyeballs_connect_limit |
CSplay | |
CSplayCheck | |
CSplayConstIterator | |
CSplayIterator | |
CSplayNode | |
Csquid_radix_mask | |
Csquid_radix_node | |
Csquid_radix_node_head | |
Csquidaio_ctrl_t | |
Csquidaio_request_queue_t | |
Csquidaio_request_t | |
Csquidaio_result_t | |
Csquidaio_thread_t | |
Csquidaio_unlinkq_t | |
►CSquidConfig | Representation of the configuration. POD |
►CCommIncoming | |
CMeasure | |
CUrlHelperTimeout | |
CSquidConfig2 | |
CSquidMD5Context | |
Cssl_option | Set of options we can parse and what they map to |
CsslBumpCfgRr | |
CSslErrorAlias | |
Csslproxy_cert_adapt | |
Csslproxy_cert_sign | |
Cstale_flags | |
CStatCounters | |
Cstatefulhelper | |
CStatHist | |
CStatObjectsState | |
Cstatvfs | |
CStderrChannel | DebugChannel managing messages destined for "standard error stream" (stderr) |
CStockEventLoop | |
CStopwatch | |
►Cstore_client | |
CCallback | |
Cstore_rebuild_progress | |
CStoreClient | StoreGetPublic*() caller |
CStoreClientStats | |
CStoreDigestCBlock | |
CStoreDigestState | |
CStoreDigestStats | |
CStoreEntry | |
CStoreFileSystem | |
►CStoreInfoStats | High-level store statistics used by mgr:info action. Used inside PODs! |
CMem | Memory cache (cache_mem) storage stats |
CPart | Info common to memory and disk parts of the storage. Used inside PODs! |
CSwap | Disk cache (all cache_dirs) storage stats |
CStoreIOBuffer | |
CStoreIOState | |
CStoreIOStateCb | |
CStoreIoStats | Store statistics related to low-level I/O |
CStoreRebuildData | Cache_dir(s) indexing statistics |
CStoreRootEngine | |
CStoreSearch | |
CStoreSwapLogData | |
CStoreSwapLogHeader | |
CString | |
CStubTime | |
Csubid | |
CsubmitData | |
CSubscription | |
CSuccessSumTester | |
CSupportOrVeto | Boolean flag that is false by default and becomes permanently false if vetoed |
CSwapChecksum24 | Maintains a 24-bit checksum over integer fields |
Csynch_state | |
CSyntheticOwnsExplicit | |
CSysErrorDetail | System call failure detail based on standard errno(3)/strerror(3) APIs |
CSyslogChannel | Syslog DebugChannel |
CTemplateFile | |
CTestACLMaxUserIP | |
CTestAuth | |
CTestAuthConfig | |
CTestAuthUserRequest | |
CTestBoilerplate | |
CTestCacheManager | |
CTestCharacterSet | |
CTestClpMap | |
CTestConfigParser | |
CTestDiskIO | |
CTestEnumIterator | |
CTestEvent | |
CTestEventLoop | |
CTestHtmlQuote | |
CTestHttp1Parser | |
CTestHttpRange | |
CTestHttpReply | |
CTestHttpRequest | |
CTestHttpRequestMethod | |
CTestIcmp | |
CTestIoManip | |
CTestIpAddress | |
CTestLookupTable | |
CTestMath | |
CTestMem | |
CTestNetDb | |
CTestPackableStream | |
CTestProgram | Implements test program's main() function while enabling customization |
CTestRandomUuid | |
CTestRefCount | |
CTestRfc1035 | |
CTestRfc1738 | |
CTestRock | |
CTestSBuf | |
CTestSBufList | |
CTestStatHist | |
CTestStore | |
CTestStoreController | |
CTestStoreHashIndex | |
CTestString | |
CTestSwapDir | |
CTestTokenizer | |
CTestUfs | |
CTestUri | |
CTestUriScheme | |
CTestYesNoNone | |
CTextException | Std::runtime_error with thrower location info |
Cthread_params | |
CTimeOrTag | |
Ctok | |
►CTransients | |
CEntryStatus | Shared entry metadata, used for synchronization |
CTransientsRr | Initializes shared memory segment used by Transients |
CtrapVar | |
►CTunnelStateData | |
CConnection | |
CType | |
CUFSCleanLog | |
►CUFSSwapLogParser_v1_32bs | |
CStoreSwapLogDataOld | |
CUFSSwapLogParser_v2 | Swap.state v2 log parser |
Cunary_function | |
CUnaryCbcCallbackDialer | |
CUnaryCbdataDialer | |
CUnaryFunCallbackDialer | CallDialer for single-parameter callback functions |
CUnaryFunDialer | CallDialer for single-parameter stand-alone functions |
CUnaryJobCallbackDialer | |
CUnaryMemFunT | |
CUpdateable | |
Curl_entry | |
CUrnState | |
Cvariable_list | |
CVectorMap | |
►CVectorPool | |
CId | |
CVersion | |
Cwccp2_cache_identity_info_t | |
Cwccp2_cache_list_t | |
Cwccp2_cache_mask_identity_info_t | |
Cwccp2_cache_view_header_t | |
Cwccp2_cache_view_info_t | |
Cwccp2_capability_element_t | |
Cwccp2_capability_info_header_t | |
Cwccp2_i_see_you_t | |
Cwccp2_identity_info_t | |
Cwccp2_item_header_t | |
Cwccp2_mask_element_t | |
Cwccp2_mask_identity_info_t | |
Cwccp2_message_header_t | |
Cwccp2_router_assign_element_t | |
Cwccp2_router_id_element_t | |
Cwccp2_router_list_t | |
Cwccp2_security_md5_t | |
Cwccp2_security_none_t | |
Cwccp2_service_info_t | |
Cwccp2_service_list_t | |
Cwccp2_value_element_t | |
Cwccp_assign_bucket_t | |
Cwccp_cache_entry_t | |
Cwccp_here_i_am_t | |
Cwccp_i_see_you_t | |
CWCCPv2_Protocol | |
CWhoisState | |
CWholeEnum | |
CWithAnswer | Access to a callback result carried by an asynchronous CallDialer |
CWithExtras | Helps prints T object using object's T::printWithExtras() method |
Cwordlist | |
CWordlistIterator | Minimal iterator for read-only traversal of wordlist objects |
CWriteRequest | |
CXactionInitiator | Identifies a protocol agent or Squid feature initiating transactions |
CYesNoNone | |