anybody have production box doing WCCP and async-io (or diskd)?

From: Wayne Smith <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 14:37:54 -0400

Okay, the diskd portion is development and therefore off-topic some what, so
if you only want to respond with input on async-io and WCCP I'll understand.

I've been partying with getting async-io with WCCP working. I get *very*
frequent segment violations (couple an hour). I get the same with DISKD.
On the same hardware, running Squid 2.3 Stable 4, no problems. Squid 2.3
Stable 3 ran for weeks on end happy as can be.

Built a separate box with different motherboard, CPU, memory, disk
subsystems, etc. Same thing. Squid works fine when not doing async-io or
diskd. When doing async-io or diskd, frequent segment violations. When
doing async-io, I'm using squid 2.5 Stable 5 with WCCP backport and the HNO
snapshot from February. I've tried with compiler optimizations and without
(manually removing from AC_CFLAGS in the Makefiles).

I know many folks out there are doing async-io with out problems. Are there
folks doing async-io with WCCP in production??

This is on Intel hardware with Redhat 6.2 for the distribution, kernel
2.2.16. Any help would be appreciated. Squid runs great without doing
anything fancy with the disk, but I want (and eventually will need) the
speed of async-io or DISKD. After all the compiles and tests, I'm beginning
to wonder if it is currently possible.

Computer Resources (
Received on Mon Jul 24 2000 - 12:39:48 MDT

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