Re: Cache Overfilling on SOLARIS

From: Jens-S. Voeckler <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:18:37 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Murphy Terrance M wrote:

]diskHandleWrite: FD 6: disk write error: (28) No space left on device
]FATAL: Write failure -- check your disk space and cache.log
]Squid Cache (Version 2.3.STABLE3): Terminated abnormally.
]CPU Usage: 13.210 seconds = 3.160 user + 10.050 sys
]Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
]I have read many messages concerning like problems in this forum but have
]not been able to cure my problem. The only thing that works is to newfs the
]cache directories and run squid -z and start over. It happens so often that

Ok, I think I know your problem - I assume that you did apply all
necessary NLANR patches to rule out Squid's fault in overfilling.

I believe it to be mentioned in the system-dependent weirdness section

in the FAQ. You ran against the wall, because your UFS was time-optimized.

The reason is that the fragmentation fills the disk. Check, what the
first "fstyp -v <raw/dev> | grep ^nbfree | head -1" says. Probably it went
close to zero or even zero. If zero, there is no more free space on the
FS, regardless of what df/du tells you.

If nbfree went 0, it is not Squid's fault. You have the following options:

1) get Veritas FS. Please note that it will cost $$, but also
   might offer some other benefits. I haven't tried this option due to
   the notorious money shortage in education...
2) only use 50% of the disks. When using time optimization, fragmentation
   is guaranteed *not* to kill you, if you use only 50%. If you use any
   more of the disk with time-optimization, fragmentation might not kill
   you immediately, but believe me, it usually kills you Sunday night at
3) use space optimization. That is the easiest and less costly fix. If
   using modern drives, or E450 PCI-HW-RAID0, the difference is "almost
   undetectable" in many cases.

You haven't mentioned the Solaris version. There is supposed to be a bug
with 2.6 newfs, which makes wrong assumptions about disk layout. I believe
that was also mentioned in the FAQ.

Le deagh dhùrachd,
Dipl.-Ing. Jens-S. Vöckler (
Institute for Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
University of Hanover, Germany; +49 511 762 4726
Received on Tue Jul 18 2000 - 02:22:48 MDT

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