> From: njheo@yahoo.co.kr [SMTP:njheo@yahoo.co.kr]
> So I looked into the packet from the browser, it seems
> that the packet is not normal
> HTTP request but decoded in some binary form. So squid
> can't handle these packets.
I would be suspicious of this. One reason for
using port 80 is there tends to be a root through
firewalls for this port, but legitimate programs
relying on this will normally try to use valid
HTTP protocol when doing so (setiathome got
the details of hte protocol wrong in early versions
but it still did try to make valid requests and
Something that is putting non-HTTP traffic through
port 80 is probably doing it to try and evade the
Received on Fri Feb 18 2000 - 08:09:49 MST
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