Re: [squid-users] Vary object loop?

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 22:32:21 +0200

mån 2010-08-02 klockan 22:11 +0200 skrev Ralf Hildebrandt:
> * Henrik Nordström <>:
> > > So something is broken? How should I debug this further? I can add
> > > more logging if you like.
> >
> > Yes. And your problem is mostly the "unable to parse" issue, right?
> Well, my MAIN problem are the crashes after that :)


All your vary loop messages have the "unable to parse" just before them
however, so focus needs to be on the "unable to parse" and your crashes.

Are you running Squid with the -C option? Looks so from the log as Squid
is "silently" restarted. Normally quite a bit of details is logged on a
crash, but your logs is silent about any crashes just seeing restarts.

Received on Mon Aug 02 2010 - 20:32:24 MDT

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