Re: [squid-users] Password for ssl/https key file

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:46:52 +0200

mån 2010-07-26 klockan 17:04 +0200 skrev

> I have more thwo https certificates with 2 different https_port entries, e.g.
> https_port 443 ... cert/key_file1
> https_port 444 ... cert/key_file2
> What is the best way to set up Squid for a secure access to these key files? The directive sslpassword_program seems to be usable only for exactly one password, but not for two different ones.

The program is given the key file name as argument, and should work for
any number of keys. Documentation now clarified to state this.

Received on Mon Aug 02 2010 - 19:46:56 MDT

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