RE: [squid-users] ipcCreate error:

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:34:28 +0200

ons 2010-04-14 klockan 04:47 +0000 skrev GIGO .:
> Hi Henrik,
> Thank you this problem is resolved by placing the squid_kerb_auth in
> the libexec folder. Now i beleive that i also have to place any other
> helpers like squid_ldap_group in the same location to get it to work.

Yes. if you have selinux enabled on the host then the security policy
for squid restricts it to execute helpers in /usr/libexec/squid/ only.
Which is a good thing in terms of security.

Received on Wed Apr 14 2010 - 07:34:55 MDT

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