Thanks for your reply. I understand what you told me, but here another idea:
If I read ok, with CARP I can define a master PC, so all the traffic
go to that machine and if it go down, then reply the other, no? Well,
I can make that the master ask always to the second machine and cache
all the petitions. Then, I have all the cache duplicate, but if the
master go down, the second one will have all the cache.
It's that right ?
Carlos Manuel
2011/8/16 Henrik Nordström <>:
> tis 2011-08-16 klockan 16:54 -0400 skrev Carlos Manuel Trepeu Pupo:
>> I want to make Common Address Redundancy Protocol or CARP with two
>> squid 3.0 STABLE10 that I have, but here I found this question:
>> If the main Squid with 40 GB of cache shutdown for any reason, then
>> the 2nd squid will start up but without any cache.
> Why will the second Squid start up without any cache?
> If you are using CARP then cache is sort of distributed over the
> available caches, and the amount of cache you loose is proportional to
> the amount of cache space that goes offline.
> However, CARP routing in Squid-3.0 only applies when you have multiple
> levels of caches. Still doable with just two servers but you then need
> two Squid instances per server.
> * Frontend Squids, doing in-memory cache and CARP routing to Cache
> Squids
> * Cache Squids, doing disk caching
> When request routing is done 100% CARP then you loose 50% of the cache
> should one of the two cache servers go down.
> There is also possible hybrid models where the cache gets more
> duplicated among the cache servers, but not sure 3.0 can handle those.
> Regards
> Henrik
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