So I fired up today.
I was not able to reproduce the intermittent 407 problem in this version as predicted by Amos.
However I did run into some other issues:
1) A bug with digest authentication -
Open a browser and authenticate. Now restart squid (don't close the browser)
Try browsing to another page. This crashes squid with the following error in squid.out:
"FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying."
It probably doesn't like receiving auth headers without following the typical challenge/response process.
2) Question: Is url_rewrite_concurrency gone? I get a config file warning that it's not recognized.
But it's in the squid.conf.documented docs as valid.
I tried testing in but "make install" fails with: In member function 'void FwdState::doneWithRetries()': error: 'class BodyPipe' has no member named 'expectNoConsumption'
Would you like me to post #1 in bugzilla?
Received on Tue Sep 21 2010 - 01:27:13 MDT
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