On tor, 2008-10-02 at 10:57 +0200, Christian Tzolov wrote:
> I am scared by the "I believe" part :).
> 1. Can we relay on Squid to always update its cached content if the
> response is newer (e.g. response has new Expires date and no other
> validators)?
> 2. Squid does not change/optimize its behavior under high load in way
> that could affect assumption (1)?
Under very high load you may in worst case end up with no on-disk copy
of the cached object if an overload condition does not allow writing
objects out to disk..
> 3. If (1) holds is this a (HTTP) standard behavior or Squid
> implementation?
Yes. Or to be exact the standard requires the old copy to be invalidated
if different from the new. There is no requirement to cache the new
Note however that there is a significant difference between no-cache and
* no-cache forces a new retreival, The response is not allowed to be
satisfied from cache.
* max-age=0 forces a cache validation and allows the old version to be
returned if the server says it's still fresh.
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