Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>mån 2006-10-30 klockan 15:33 -0800 skrev Pranav Desai:
>>Is there a way to print the entire content alongwith the headers in
>>the logs file. Using the debug_options maybe.
>Nope. Squid never prints the content in debug statements. Partially due
>to the content often being binary and not showing up well in text
>output, and partially due to it not really being interesting for
>debugging purposes.
>You can however use packet level tools to inspect all details of the
>traffic. ngrep, ssldump, ethereal/wireshark etc.
May be, you could print the hashed cache folder location of the content
associated with the query?
(http://url/path/somedata => cachedir/00/00/00000010)
Then you could use a small script to bind together the header and the
and in fact some header are stored in the cached content, try a less
cachedir/00/00/00000010, to see it.
Just an idea, if that helps.
Received on Tue Oct 31 2006 - 02:18:26 MST
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