On 11.05 09:52, Arno.STREULI@ca-indosuez.ch wrote:
> I try to add some directory to my squid box, and following the FAQ
> (point 7.9) I should be able to do a squid -z who will look with the new
> cache I have:
> existing one:
> cache_dir diskd /cache 20000 16 256
> new cache dir:
> cache_dir diskd /cache1 16000 16 256
> cache_dir diskd /cache2 16000 16 256
why 16 256 ? I'd advise 64 128
... on our 3x30G caches we have 2308712 + 2205632 + 2166493 objects, which
means ~ 128*128*128 objects (so the directories in depth are nearly loaded).
maximum_object_size is 20MB, replacement policy LFUDA
lower maximum_object_size would even allow you to store more objects, so
you could use 128 128 too...
> but I always get the message that squid is already running !?!?
> bash-2.05# ../sbin/squid -z
> 2004/05/11 09:52:34| Squid is already running! Process ID 317
> Is their a way to build a cache dir without interrupting squid ?
maybe playing with squid_conf (create <temp_config> only with new
cache_dir-s and use different pid file) and run squid -z -f <temp_config>
adding new cache_dir to squid_conf and reloading existing squid should
work then...
-- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. Emacs is a complicated operating system without good text editor.Received on Wed May 12 2004 - 04:25:25 MDT
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