RE: [squid-users] Error in access to hotmail. Parent is ISA server

From: Elsen Marc <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 15:49:56 +0200

> Hello:
> We've a squid proxy with a ISA server as proxy parent (IP
>, and
> is the proxy that manages the internet access. ISA server doesn't
> authenticate squid requests. There isn't direct Internet conection.
> The order to configure this:
> cache_peer parent 8080 7 no-query

 Check the FAQ entry on using Squid behind a firewall.
 You will need :
   never_direct allow all

 in squid.conf , if the parent is the only one having Internet access.

Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 07:51:01 MDT

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