Re: [squid-users] Segment Violation

From: Daniellek <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:29:00 +0200

W dniu Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 11:22:15AM +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wystukał(a):
>> Tonight during logfile rotation squid died mysteriuosly:
>Your Squid should have restarted again automatically. If not, were
>ther any additional notes in cache.log on why it did not start again?

No, only this what I've pasted here. Next log entry was from the morning
when squid started after machine reboot.

>To analyze segmentation faults we need a stack trace of where the
>fault occured. If you have a core file from the crash pleasse get a
>stack trace from the core file (see the Squid FAQ) and register a
>Squid bug.

I've got setting:
coredump_dir /home/squid/cache

But there's no core file... Is it possible that squid:

1. Didn't create core?
2. Created it, but when machine rebooted and during start deleted core file?

Because I'm sure that if there was core file, nobody deleted it...

>Was there any interesting messages in your system log files at the
>same time? (/var/log/messages etc)


Possibly it's the end searching, but what can i do next time to track it down?
This is production machine, and there weren't any problems for 6 months at least.
Before upgrading squid (~1 month ago) there was 2.5S1 version working
without problems.

Daniel Fenert                 --==> <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
Some changes are so slow, you don't notice them.
Others are so fast, they don't notice you.
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Received on Mon Jun 23 2003 - 04:29:04 MDT

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