[squid-users] How do I set the sotrage up in the most efficient way?

From: David <dh@dont-contact.us>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 08:05:18 +0100

Hash: RIPEMD160

Hello dear List.

I am looking at how to best setup the storage for a test squid Server.

The server hardware looks as follows:

P4 1800Ghz with 512 MB RAM

4 IDE Harddisks with 39Gig. They are connected to an IDE RAID

Right now there are two logical devices

/dev/sda which is a RAID5 and has 17 Gig (it holds all the system
relevant data)
/dev/sdb which is a RAID3 and has 100 Gig.

I split /dev/sdb into paritions of 10 Gigabyte and right now 8 are
reiserfs and 2 are JFS.

I am in a testing environment, so it should be easy to alter those
values, Raid seems to be a prerequisite and is the only thing I cannot
alter. I picked RAID for the throughput reason, yet if you have some
other recommendation for me, I would be more than happy to oblige.

Right now I am, as you can see, testing reiserfs and jfs, is there any
better recommendation for a file system which squid uses as its
storage? We are looking at about 250 very special users here and a so
called autonomy fetch which will use the Server. The autonomy fetch can
easily produce up to gigabytes of data on a daily basis.

Thank you

- -d

- - "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering,
- - Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream to dream
before.." Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven
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- ❜ Fantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen.❛ - Albert Einstein
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