29-Apr-02 at 08:38, Eric Daras (eric.daras@dafriser.dyndns.org) wrote :
> Bonjour,
> Where can I get RPM Squid 2.5 DEVEL package for RedHat Linux ?
Usually only STABLE versions are ever released as RPMs. If you want
development versions, you probably ought to be compiling from source
anyway, since an RPM should always be a stable implementation of a thing,
it is almost against the principles of RPM to release "development" RPMs.
If you need a feature of the development package, you will have to wait
until the developers are happy with functionality before it will become
STABLE, and then some more until it is released as an RPM.
If you want to be cutting-edge, then you have to use tar.gz or CVS. The
whole RPM philosophy is made for stable versions which can be massively
deployed across a network.
-- [Simon White. vim/mutt. simon@mtds.com. GIMPS:94.80% see www.mersenne.org] If it dies, it's biology. If it blows up, it's chemistry, and if it doesn't work, it's physics. [Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]Received on Mon Apr 29 2002 - 05:00:07 MDT
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