[squid-users] shtml, jhtml access problems

From: Ian Moore <imoore@dont-contact.us>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:55:14 +1030

I've just built a new proxy server up after a hard drive crash last
week. I'm running FreeBSD-4.4-RELEASE with squid 2.4 Stable 2. I used my
old squid.conf as a model for the new version (the old squid was 2.3).
It looks like this:
http_port 3128
icp_port 0
cache_peer proxy.hamcoll.sa.edu.au parent 3128 0 no-query default #our
upstream proxy
#which all users have to authenticate to to get past the firewall
#hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? #This stopped access to search engines
#acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
#no_cache deny QUERY
#I tried adding these lines to see if it would fix our problems
acl DHTML urlpath_regex \.(jhtml|phtml|shtml) \.asp \? cgi-bin \.cgi
#always_direct allow DHTML #The firewall prevents any direct access
no_cache deny DHTML

cache_mem 64 MB
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/cache 6000 32 512
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl Curriculum src #first local subnet
acl Admin src #second local subnet
ttp_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow all Curriculum
http_access allow all Admin
http_access deny all

icp_access allow all
miss_access allow all
cache_mgr imoore@hamcoll.sa.edu.au
visible_hostname xxxxx.hamcoll.sa.edu.au
cachemgr_passwd xxxxx info stats/objects

The new version mostly works, but has trouble with some sites. I had to
comment out the hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? line to get search engines
to work. There are other sites that still won't work though.

One is www.whitepages.com.au

The page comes up, but if I search for a number, the results never
appear, I get a request timed out message:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
     Connection Failed
The system returned:
    (60) Operation timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Another site that won't work is logging onto the cisco academy site.
The timeout page for it is:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
     Connection Failed
The system returned:
    (60) Operation timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

There seems to be some problem with .shtml and .jhtml pages? (Both sites
work if I don't use our proxy server).
I've had a look thru' the archives and FAQ but can't find any solutions.
Any ideas anyone?


Ian Moore
Received on Tue Mar 26 2002 - 20:23:52 MST

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