Oops. My bad. Need to get the redirected program all set up for it to work properly.
Please disregard.
>>> "Robert Nickel" <Robert.Nickel@ci.fresno.ca.us> 08/16/01 09:54AM >>>
Hi! I just installed squid and I'm trying to get squidGuard to deny requests for denied urls by using it as the redirect_program in squid. I looked at the faq but found nothing to answer this question.
The problem that I haven't been able to figure out is whether or not squid is going to the redirector before it goes to the cache system. More specifically, is the redirector program called before squid searches its parent caches?
If that's the case, is there some way to change this behavior?
Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 11:55:37 MDT
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