Re: [SQU] problems with squid crashing

From: Cord Beermann <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 16:40:26 +0100

Hallo! Du (Matt Ashfield) hast geschrieben:

>I am running Squid 2.2STABLE5 on AIX 4.3.3 as a proxy cache
>We have recently added a large batch of users who are now using squid.
>Consequently, I've seen my cache_dir fill up quickly. I have the Filesystem
>size to be just over 1GB, and had my cache_dir set to 1000MB, ie 1GB.
>The reference_age was set to 1 month and my high and low marks were set at
>95 and 90 respectively.
>The problem is, is that my cache directory filled up and consequently killed
>my squid process..Was this just a problem with my cache_dir size being set
>too closely to the actual filesystem size? Or is the problem deeper than

i think that your Metadata is also stored in that Filesystem,
that hits the 1GB. lower your cache_swap. btw: the filesystem
performs usually if you don't try to fill it up to 99.9%.


echo 'kfabj?%abgerrf?%fabjsynxrf?1000?%fp?lryybj?&'|
tr '?n-z-Z&a-m!A-M^%' ' a-m~A-M.n-z<N-Z@-'|
$(echo 'Plattfisch'|tr -d 'Packetlift')&&echo D$(echo Leitplanke|
sed -e 's/.\{6\}//')||echo 'oops.'
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Received on Tue Dec 05 2000 - 08:43:05 MST

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