Running Squid 2.3.STABLE4 with IPF Transparent and Cache Digests enabled
at compile time -- I am trying to get Cache Digests to work...
When accessing
http://localhost:<squid-port>/squid-internal-periodic/store_digest, the
only thing that is returned is "The cache is currently building its
digest". I also just noticed that when trying that address from Lynx, it
first gives a 404 - Not Found error, then goes to the "The cache is
The mgr:store_digest shows:
store_digest: size: 4262 bytes
entries: count: 4836 capacity: 6818 util: 71%
deletion attempts: 0
bits: per entry: 5 on: 14745 capacity: 34096 util: 43%
bit-seq: count: 16805 avg. len: 2.03
added: 4836 rejected: 1983 ( 29.08% ) del-ed: 0
collisions: on add: 0.87 % on rej: 1.06 %
There are two halves to this network (ie 2 distinct paths for users to get
out), each half has 2 Squid Boxes (running BSDi 4.1 BTW). All 4 boxes are
acting as siblings and they are all set up to forward requests to a
firewall suite acting as a default, no-query, no-digest parent. ICP is
disabled via "icp_port 0"
The transparency and actual Squid functions are working like a champ, no
problems there. And if ICP is enabled, that too works like a champ, but
we want to get Digesting working.
Now for the questions.... Obviously, what does the message I am receiving
via the web page mean, other than the obvious? Where is the digest stored
after it is built in memory and saved to disk (thinking in terms of the
digest-url=URL flag for the cache_peers)?
Is there a good location to look for help/explanations for the variables
used in the client mgr:menu diags? (Or Cachemgr.cgi for that matter)
I found an email explaning the store_digest output that was very helpful
in understanding that output - more like those would be great. (Thank you
Alex Rousskov).
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