Netscape Proxy as Parent???

From: Specht, Ferry Andrew (Andrew) <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:41:01 +1000

Hi Everyone,

I am currently running Squid 2.2Stable4 on Solaris 2.7 and configured it to
use our main Netscape Proxy as a parent. It is working fine by not using
ICP queries. The only problem i have that any cgi-scripts or URLs that have
a ? in them take a really long time. Sometimes up to 2 minutes. The thing
is that they actually DO come up on the browser and everything seems fine.
I tried to play around with the hierarchy_stoplist option, but still having
no luck.

These are the settings i am currently using:

cache_peer <Netscape Proxy> parent <port> 7
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny query

I currently have nothing in the hierarchy_stoplist line, because i do need
the proxy to drag it down from the parent, but not to cache it itself.

I cant make the proxy live until this is fixed, so thanks alot for any help.

Andrew Specht
Lucent Technologies
Melbourne Australia
PH: +61 3 9281 7728
FAX: +61 3 9281 7808
Received on Mon Aug 23 1999 - 17:12:53 MDT

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