Hi all,
Was just after comments/suggestions for the following possible setup,
PII 450, 256Mb RAM with onboard Adaptec SCSI + Adaptec PCI SCSI + 4 x 4Gb
SCSI HDDs with FreeBSD
The current plan is to put 2 drives on each SCSI Adaptor, use 1 HDD for the
OS and Squid and use the other 3 with disk striping for the Cache.
I put forward, use all 4 drives for the cache (with or without disk
striping) and grab a new IDE drive to run the OS and Squid on it.
Other questions are
- Is it worth using disk striping at all???
- Is it wise to put the OS and Squid on IDE, I mean is there still enough
activity going to be happening on the drive to warrant a small SCSI instead?
Received on Thu Jul 22 1999 - 19:35:45 MDT
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