I have a plan to build *large cache farms*, but each cache servers
doen't have
enough disks (*about 8 ~ 12 Giga*).
So I think that 2nd cache server for front-end squiq(s), for increasing
*Hit Ratio*.
I knew that *mirror image* products (*terra byte server or central
server*) did that..
Could you explain about the performance and configuration about *similar
to terra byte server*.
My *humble* thought is...
2nd Big Cache
Solaris + NetCache (or Squid.. I heard that NetCache is better
than in performance.. ^_^),
because it supports *ICP*.
UltraSparc-II, Memory 1 Giga
80~100 Giga Harddisk
Gigabit Ethernet
Front-End Caches
Squid server : about 20 entities..
But.. I afraid that 2nd big cache should handle serveral thousands of
requests per seconds..
Each squid handle 200~300 requests per seconds. If average Hit ratio is
1/3, then 2nd big
cache receives 1200~2000 requests per seconds....
Is it feasible ??
Any other ways to increase hit ratio without loss of scalability ?
Received on Fri May 15 1998 - 03:15:32 MDT
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