On Sun 27 Oct, 1996, "Miguel A.L. Paraz" <map@iphil.net> wrote:
>Which will ignore cache-control, Expires: immediately, and the like.
>Or, is it a HTTP protocol violation?
that's a real bad thing to do. We don't cache any of msn.com, because
their 'make your own homepage' includes personal details; and the
headers allow it to be cached by an HTTP/1.0 cache for half an hour.
They send the same 'cache-control: private' headers as microsoft.com,
but unfortunately they're 1.1 headers being sent in a 1.0 response
to a 1.0 request, and they include an Expires: header giving a life time
of 30 minutes (intended to be the time that the browser keeps the document,
but it doesn't quite get treated like that).
Received on Sun Oct 27 1996 - 05:41:54 MST
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