The Squid proxy/cache (http://www.nlanr.net/Squid) has its own caching dns server; no cascading of dns caches between cache servers, only locally. But it might be a good idea to extend squid with this feature.
Our Squid server (1.1beta7) gives a hit rate of 93 % on DNS lookups :-)
email: pborgerm@sckcen.be
WWW: http://hades.sckcen.be
From: Andreas Strotmann[SMTP:Strotmann@RRZ.UNI-KOELN.DE]
Sent: 21 October 1996 13:52
Subject: DNS response times
having noticed (like many others before) that DNS lookups account for a
large share of the total overhead of WWW proxying, I fell to wondering:
Given that the Terena project is to improve proxying,
how about a sub-project to improve DNS lookup times?
E.g., how about building a backbone of very-high-level DNS "caches" (one
or two per provider) that pro-actively and cooperatively build and update
a database of (almost) all currently valid DNS entries? Sort of like a
newsgroup of DNS entries, I suppose.
A system like that should improve DNS lookup times a-hundred-fold...
Andreas Strotmann
PS: I have some statistics stuff to contribute. Was there an e-mail
address of the person collecting these?
-- Andreas Strotmann / ~~~~~~ \________________A.Strotmann@Uni-Koeln.DE Universitaet zu Koeln /| University of Cologne \ Regionales Rechenzentrum| Regional Computer Center \ Robert-Koch-Str. 10 /| Tel: +49-221-478-5524 |\ Home: -221-4200663 D-50931 Koeln __|__ FAX: +49-221-478-5590 |__________~~~~~~~~~~~~Received on Mon Oct 21 1996 - 06:26:17 MDT
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