Unparseable HTTP header field & DNS weirdness

From: Alex Ray <alexray_at_espsolution.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 08:29:15 -0800

This might be nothing, but I notice the following errors in my build
of squid 3.HEAD:
kid1| ctx: enter level  0:
kid1| WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field {: , 1.1 cup-www-cache01: 80}
kid1| WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field {: , 1.1 cup-www-cache02: 80}
kid1| ctx: exit level  0

Also, occasionally, some websites will not resolve.  But only
temporarily.  During the duration that they do not resolve through
squid, I can ping the host on the squid server and also browse to it
externally, but squid logs the following error (or one like it):
kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to 'mail.google.com'
kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to 'userserve-ak.last.fm'
kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to 's.youtube.com'
kid1| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to 'z.digg.com'

And web browsers using the proxy receive a squid dns error (though it
usually begins to work several minutes later).
Received on Thu Jan 20 2011 - 16:29:23 MST

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