Re: [PATCH] ecap canonical url invalidation during reqmod

From: Leonid Evdokimov <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 10:14:05 +0200

> Can you explain why this can't simply always do
> safe_free(theMessage.canonical) before re-parsing?

I've done this patch to be as non-invasive regarding current logic as
possible, so I replicated the logic from ICAP code to eCap code.

I think, that the really proper place to
safe_free(theMessage.canonical) is marked with FIXME line in my patch
- but I'm not 100% sure about that point .

Anyway, the patch is required to fix a bug when precache ecap service
can't properly rewrite URL (url is rewritten but `canonical` value is
stale so request to disk-cache is done with incorrect URL) and it
fixes it.

WBRBW, Leonid Evdokimov &&
tel:+79050965222 && tel:+972548342795
Received on Mon Jan 17 2011 - 08:14:08 MST

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