Re: [MERGE] Initial netfilter mark patch for comment

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 19:55:57 +1200

  Seems the netfilter guys found a major problem with strtoul().
Thankfully the same fix should work for us as well.

Luciano Coelho wrote:
> Not easily. I found that there is a bug in strtoul (and strtoull for
> that matter) that causes the long to overflow if there are valid digits
> after the maximum possible digits for the base. For example if you try
> to strtoul 0xfffffffff (with 9 f's) the strtoul will overflow and come
> up with a bogus result. I can't easily truncate the string to avoid
> this problem, because with decimal or octal, the same valid value would
> take more spaces. I could do some magic here, checking whether it's a
> hex, dec or oct and truncate appropriately, but that would be very ugly.
> So the simplest way I came up with was to use strtoull and return
> -EINVAL if the value exceeds 32 bits. ;)


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