lör 2008-02-23 klockan 13:34 +0100 skrev Henrik Nordström:
> The idea with cbdata is that when you are given a cbdata enabled object
> use cbdataReference on it to get a reference safe to be saved between
> call events. Then use cbdataReferenceValid to verify it's validity if
> needed, cbdataReferenceDone() to get rid of the reference (also kills
> the pointer to avoid "reuse after free), or cbdataReferenceValidDone()
> to do both in one step suitable for calling a callback with the cbdata
> variable as argument, or other similar chain of events.
Oh, forgot to mention that it's on the long term roadmap to convert
cbdata into using proper C++ constructs. When that's done this kind of
abuse of the interface will no longer be possible.
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