Re: mrtg config file for squid-1.2.beta20?

From: Duane Wessels <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 09:05:27 -0600

Dirk Vleugels writes:

>could anyone send me a demo mrtg config file compatible with the default
>NLANR snmp config?

# default for all graphs
WorkDir: /httpd/htdocs/mrtg-demo
WriteExpires: Yes

Background[^]: #e0e0d0
YLegend[^]: per minute
MaxBytes[^]: 30000000
Colours[^]: DARK GREEN#00cb0c,BLUE#1000ff,DARK GREEN#006600,VIOLET#ff00ff

# svc 5 min
Target[svc]: cacheHttpMedianSvcFiveMin&
Title[svc]: HTTP and DNS svc
PageTop[svc]: <H1>Cache Statistics: HTTP and DNS Median Service Times (5 min)</H1>
Suppress[svc]: y
LegendI[svc]: HTTP 5min svc
LegendO[svc]: DNS 5min svc
Legend1[svc]: HTTP 5 min cache Median Service Time
Legend2[svc]: DNS 5 min cache Median Service Time
ShortLegend[svc]: ms
Options[svc]: nopercent, gauge

#svc 60 min

Target[svc2]: cacheHttpMedianSvcHour&
Title[svc2]: HTTP and DNS svc
PageTop[svc2]: <H1>Cache Statistics: HTTP and DNS Median Service Times (60 min)</H1>
Suppress[svc2]: y
LegendI[svc2]: HTTP 60 min svc
LegendO[svc2]: DNS 60 min svc
Legend1[svc2]: HTTP 60 min cache Median Service Time
Legend2[svc2]: DNS 60 min cache Median Service Time
ShortLegend[svc2]: ms
Options[svc2]: nopercent, gauge

# abalaea HTTP req+hit graph

Target[hit]: cacheClientHttpRequests&
Title[hit]: HTTP requests , HTTP Hits
PageTop[hit]: <H1>Cache Statistics: HTTP requests and HTTP Hits </H1>
Suppress[hit]: y
LegendI[hit]: HTTP requests
LegendO[hit]: HTTP hits
Legend1[hit]: HTTP requests received by cache
Legend2[hit]: HTTP hits served by cache
ShortLegend[hit]: req/min
Options[hit]: nopercent, perminute

Target[kb]: cacheHttpInKb&
Title[kb]: HTTP KB In , HTTP KB Out
PageTop[kb]: <H1>Cache Statistics: HTTP traffic volume </H1>
Suppress[kb]: y
LegendI[kb]: HTTP KB In
LegendO[kb]: HTTP KB Out
Legend1[kb]: HTTP KB In
Legend2[kb]: HTTP KB Out
ShortLegend[kb]: kb/min
Options[kb]: nopercent, perminute

Target[icp]: cacheICPkbSent&
Title[icp]: ICP KB In , ICP KB Out
PageTop[icp]: <H1>Cache Statistics: ICP traffic volume </H1>
Suppress[icp]: y
LegendI[icp]: ICP KB recv
LegendO[icp]: ICP KB send
Legend1[icp]: ICP KB In
Legend2[icp]: ICP KB Out
ShortLegend[icp]: kb/min
Options[icp]: nopercent, perminute

Target[swap]: cacheCurrentSwapSize&
Title[swap]: Swap state
PageTop[swap]: <H1>Cache Statistics: Swap Size and Object Count </H1>
Suppress[swap]: y
LegendI[swap]: swap (kb)
LegendO[swap]: objects
Legend1[swap]: swap size (kb)
Legend2[swap]: objects
ShortLegend[swap]: <SMALL></SMALL>
Options[swap]: nopercent, gauge
YLegend[swap]: size/count

#Target[swap2]: cacheCurrentSwapSize& / cacheCurrentSwapSize&
#Title[swap2]: CurrentSwapSize vs. avg obj size
#PageTop[swap2]: <H1>Cache Statistics: CurrentSwapSize vs. avg obj size </H1>
#Suppress[swap2]: y
#LegendI[swap2]: swap
#LegendO[swap2]: obj size
#Legend1[swap2]: swap size
#Legend2[swap2]: obj size
#ShortLegend[swap2]: <SMALL></SMALL>
#Options[swap2]: nopercent, gauge
#YLegend[swap2]: <SMALL></SMALL>

Target[sys]: cacheCpuUsage&
Title[sys]: System statistics
PageTop[sys]: <H1>Cache Statistics: CPU Usage and Page Faults </H1>
Suppress[sys]: y
LegendI[sys]: CPU usage
LegendO[sys]: Page Faults
Legend1[sys]: CPU usage
Legend2[sys]: Page Faults
ShortLegend[sys]: <SMALL></SMALL>
YLegend[sys]: cycles/events
Options[sys]: nopercent, perminute

#Target[sys2]: cacheMemUsage&
Received on Tue May 12 1998 - 08:05:50 MDT

This archive was generated by hypermail pre-2.1.9 : Tue Dec 09 2003 - 17:22:05 MST